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Recent acquisitions April 2019


Data visualization : a practical introduction / Kieran Healy . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2019.

A 001.4226 HEA DAT

This book provides students and researchers a hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of data visualization. It explains what makes some graphs succeed while others fail, how to make high-quality figures from data using powerful and reproducible methods, and how to think about data visualization in an honest and effective way. Data Visualization builds the reader’s expertise in ggplot2, a versatile visualization library for the R programming language. Through a series of worked examples, this accessible primer then demonstrates how to create plots piece by piece, beginning with summaries of single variables and moving on to more complex graphics. Topics include plotting continuous and categorical variables; layering information on graphics; producing effective “small multiple” plots; grouping, summarizing, and transforming data for plotting; creating maps; working with the output of statistical models; and refining plots to make them more comprehensible. Effective graphics are essential to communicating ideas and a great way to better understand data. This book provides the practical skills students and practitioners need to visualize quantitative data and get the most out of their research findings.

Computer science

Artificial intelligence : a philosophical introduction / Jack Copeland . - Oxford : Blackwell, 1993.

A 006.301 COP ART

Presupposing no familiarity with the technical concepts of either philosophy or computing, this clear introduction reviews the progress made in AI since the inception of the field in 1956. Copeland goes on to analyse what those working in AI must achieve before they can claim to have built a thinking machine and appraises their prospects of succeeding. There are clear introducdtions to connectionism and to the language of thought hypothesis which weave together material from philosophy, artificial intelligence, and neuroscience. John Searle's recent attacks on AI and cognitive science are countered and close attention is given to foundational issues, including the nature of computation,Turing machines, the Church-Turing thesis, and the differences between classical symbol processing and parallel distributed processing. The book also explores the possibility of machines having freewill and consciousness and concludes with a discussion of in what sense the human brain may be a computer.

Augmented reality and virtual reality / M. Claudia tom Dieck, Timothy Jung . - Cham : Springer, 2019.

A 006.8 DIE AUG

This book presents a collection of the latest research in the area of immersive technologies, presented at the International Augmented and Virtual Reality Conference 2018 in Manchester, UK, and showcases how augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are transforming the business landscape. Innovations in this field are seen as providing opportunities for businesses to offer their customers unique services and experiences. The papers gathered here advance the state of the art in AR/VR technologies and their applications in various industries such as healthcare, tourism, hospitality, events, fashion, entertainment, retail, education and gaming. The volume collects contributions by prominent computer and social sciences experts from around the globe. Addressing the most significant topics in the field of augmented and virtual reality and sharing the latest findings, it will be of interest to academics and practitioners alike.

The Cambridge handbook of artificial intelligence / ed. by Keith Frankish, William M. Ramsey . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014.

A 006.3 CAM

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a cross-disciplinary approach to understanding, modeling, and creating intelligence of various forms. It is a critical branch of cognitive science, and its influence is increasingly being felt in other areas, including the humanities. AI applications are transforming the way we interact with each other and with our environment, and work in artificially modeling intelligence is offering new insights into the human mind and revealing new forms mentality can take. This volume of original essays presents the state of the art in AI, surveying the foundations of the discipline, major theories of mental architecture, the principal areas of research, and extensions of AI such as artificial life. With a focus on theory rather than technical and applied issues, the volume will be valuable not only to people working in AI, but also to those in other disciplines wanting an authoritative and up-to-date introduction to the field.

Introduction to artificial intelligence / Wolfgang Ertel ; transl. by Nathanael Black ; with illustrations by Florian Mast . - 2nd ed. - Cham : Springer, 2017.

A 006.3 ERT INT

This accessible textbook supports a foundation or module course on A.I., covering a broad selection of the subdisciplines within this field. It provides study exercises at the end of each chapter, plus examples, definitions, theorems, and illustrations.

The quest for artificial intelligence : a history of ideas and achievements / Nils J. Nilsson . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

A 006.301 NIL QUE

The definitive history of artificial intelligence (AI), from the dreams of early pioneers to the achievements of modern research. The book includes many diagrams and easy-to-understand descriptions of AI programs that will help the casual reader gain an understanding of how these and other AI systems actually work.

Didaktik der Informatik / Sigrid Schubert, Andreas Schwill . - 2. Auflage. - Heidelberg : Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2011.

A 004.071 SCH DID

Wer Informatik unterrichten will, muss nicht nur das Fach beherrschen, sondern seine Kenntnisse und Freude am Fach auch Schülerinnen und Schülern vermitteln können. Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen dabei. Es bietet eine ausgewogene und praxisorientierte Gesamtdarstellung der Didaktik der Informatik. Nach der Klärung von Grundbegriffen der Informatik und ihrer Didaktik stellen die Autoren das verwendete Grundmodell für Ziele, Inhalte und Lehrmethoden und die theoretische Fundierung des Informatikunterrichts vor. Hierauf aufbauend untersuchen sie eine Vielzahl von Informatikprinzipien im Hinblick auf Ihre Bedeutung für die Informatikgrundausbildung. Den Themenkomplexen "Problemlösen in der Informatik", "Informatisches Modellieren und Konstruieren", "Objektorientierung" und "Informatiksysteme" sind jeweils eigene Kapitel gewidmet, in denen das didaktisch Machbare im Spannungsfeld von fachwissenschaftlich Wünschenswertem und bildungspolitisch Notwendigem diskutiert wird. Die Neuauflage enthält die aktuellen Entwicklungen zur kompetenzorientierten Didaktik sowie deutliche Erweiterungen zur Vermittlung ausgewählter Informatikinhalte, wie Vernetzung, Internet, Sprachen und Automaten. Neu sind ebenfalls ein Kapitel mit einem Zugang zur Vermittlung informatischer Inhalte, der allgemein als "unplugged" bezeichnet wird, und ein Kapitel "Unterrichtsmittel". Zwei Gastbeiträge zur Kompetenzentwicklung mit Informatiksystemen und zum Stellenwert von Kreativität im Informatikunterricht vertiefen Perspektiven der Unterrichtspraxis.

Minds and computers : an introduction to the philosophy of artificial intelligence / Matt Carter . - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2007.

A 006.301 CAR MIN

Could a computer have a mind? What kind of machine would this be? Exactly what do we mean by 'mind' anyway?The notion of the 'intelligent' machine, whilst continuing to feature in numerous entertaining and frightening fictions, has also been the focus of a serious and dedicated research tradition. Reflecting on these fictions, and on the research tradition that pursues 'Artificial Intelligence', raises a number of vexing philosophical issues. Minds and Computers introduces readers to these issues by offering an engaging, coherent, and highly approachable interdisciplinary introduction to the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence.Readers are presented with introductory material from each of the disciplines which constitute Cognitive Science: Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychology, Computer Science, and Linguistics. Throughout, readers are encouraged to consider the implications of this disparate and wide-ranging material for the possibility of developing machines with minds.

The philosophy of artificial intelligence / ed. by Margaret A. Boden . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005.

A 006.301 PHI

Is `artificial intelligence' a contradiction in terms? Could computers (in principle) model every aspect of the mind, including logic, language, and emotion? What of the more brain-like, connectionist computers: could they really understand, even if digital computers cannot? This collection of classic and contemporary readings (which includes an editor's introduction and an up-to-date reading list) provides a clearly signposted pathway into hotly disputed philosophical issues at the heart of artificial intelligence.

Library and information science

Currents of archival thinking / Heather MacNeil, Terry Eastwood . - 2nd ed. - Santa Barbara : Libraries Unlimited, 2017.

A 025.1714 CUR

With new technologies and additional goals driving their institutions, archives are changing drastically. This book shows how the core foundations of archival practice can be brought forward to adapt to new environments―while adhering to the key principles of preservation and access.

Philosophy and psychology

Anton Marty and contemporary philosophy / ed. by Giuliano Bacigalupo, Hélène Leblanc . - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

A 193 ANT

This edited collection of eight original essays pursues the aim of bringing the spotlight back on Anton Marty. It does so by having leading figures in the contemporary debate confront themselves with Marty’s most significative contributions, which span from philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and ontology to meta-metaphysics and meta-philosophy. The book is divided in three parts. The first part is dedicated to themes in philosophy of language, which were at the centre of Marty’s philosophical thinking throughout his life. The second part focuses on the problem of the objectivity and phenomenology of time and space, upon which Marty was working in the final years of his life. The final part turns to Marty’s meta-metaphysical and meta-philosophical considerations. The intended audience of this book are primarily scholars and students interested in the relevant contemporary debates, as well as scholars working on the Austrian tradition.

Form and matter : themes in contemporary metaphysics / ed. by David S. Oderberg . - Oxford : Blackwell Publishers, 1999.

A 110 FOR

Form and matter is a collection of six papers by leading philosophers on topics in contemporary metaphysics looked at from an Aristotelian perspective. Topics covered include substance, material constitution, the metaphysics of mind, the nature of mixture,and the analysis of what it is to be a living thing.

A future for presentism / Craig Bourne . - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2006.


How can we talk meaningfully about the past if it does not exist to be talked about? What gives time its direction? Is time travel possible? This defence of presentism - the view that only the present exists - makes an original contribution to a fast growing and exciting debate.

Metaphysics of states of affairs [Documento elettronico] / B. Meinertsen. – Cham : Springer, 2019.


Link to the e-book

Aristotle / Christopher Shields . - 2nd ed. - London : Routledge, 2014.


In this extensively revised new edition of his excellent guidebook, Christopher Shields introduces the whole of Aristotle’s philosophy, showing how his powerful conception of human nature shaped much of his thinking on the nature of the soul and the mind, ethics, politics, and the arts. Beginning with a brief biography, Shields carefully explains the fundamental elements of Aristotle’s thought: his explanatory framework, his philosophical methodology, and his four-causal explanatory scheme. Subsequently he discusses Aristotle’s metaphysics, the theory of categories, logical theory, and his conception of the human being as a composite of soul and body. The last part concentrates on Aristotle’s value theory as applied to ethics and politics, and assesses his approach to happiness, virtue, and the best life for human beings, before turning to a consideration of Aristotle's theory of rhetoric and the arts, with a special focus on his perennially controversial treatment of tragedy. This second edition includes an expanded discussion of Aristotle's method, and new sections on key issues in perception, thought, akrasia, and mimesis. It concludes with an expanded assessment of Aristotle's legacy, sketching currently emerging Neo-Aristotelian movements in metaphysics and virtue ethics.

Contemporary Aristotelian metaphysics / ed. by Tuomas E. Tahko . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.

A 110 CON

Aristotelian (or neo-Aristotelian) metaphysics is currently undergoing something of a renaissance. This volume brings together fourteen essays from leading philosophers who are sympathetic to this conception of metaphysics, which takes its cue from the idea that metaphysics is the first philosophy. The primary input from Aristotle is methodological, but many themes familiar from his metaphysics will be discussed, including ontological categories, the role and interpretation of the existential quantifier, essence, substance, natural kinds, powers, potential, and the development of life. The volume mounts a strong challenge to the type of ontological deflationism which has recently gained a strong foothold in analytic metaphysics. It will be a useful resource for scholars and advanced students who are interested in the foundations and development of philosophy.

The development of arabic logic (1200-1800) / Khaled El-Rouayheb . - Basel : Schwabe, 2019.

A 160.9 ELR DEV

Recent years have seen a dramatic change in scholarly views of the later career of Arabic and Islamic philosophy. For much of the twentieth century, researchers tended to dismiss the value of Arabic writings on philosophy and logic after the twelfth century, often on the basis of the prejudice that handbooks, commentaries and glosses are of necessity pedantic and unoriginal. This assumption has now been abandoned. As a consequence, a vast amount of later Arabic writings on philosophy and logic, hitherto neglected, are now being studied and edited. The present work is an attempt at giving an overview of the development of Arabic logic from 1200 to 1800, identifying major themes, figures and works in this period, while taking into account regional differences within the Islamic world. It offers a corrective to Nicholas Rescher's seminal but now outdated The Development of Arabic Logic, published in 1964.

Experiencing time / Simon Prosser . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016.


Our engagement with time is a ubiquitous feature of our lives. We are aware of time on many scales, from the briefest flicker of change to the way our lives unfold over many years. But to what extent does this encounter reveal the true nature of temporal reality? To the extent that temporal reality is as it seems, how do we come to be aware of it? And to the extent that temporal reality is not as it seems, why does it seem that way? These are the central questions addressed by Simon Prosser in Experiencing Time. These questions take on a particular importance in philosophy for two reasons. Firstly, there is a view concerning the metaphysics of time, known as the B-theory of time, according to which the apparently dynamic quality of change, the special status of the present, and even the passage of time are all illusions. Instead, the world is a four-dimensional space-time block, lacking any of the apparent dynamic features of time. If the B-theory is correct, as the book argues, then it must be explained why our experiences seem to tell us otherwise. Secondly, experiences of temporal features such as changes, rates and durations are of independent interest because of certain puzzles that they raise, the solutions to which may shed light on broader issues in the philosophy of mind.

The second-person standpoint : morality, respect, and accountability / Stephen Darwall . - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2006.

A 171.7 DAR SEC

Why should we avoid doing moral wrong? The inability of philosophy to answer this question in a compelling manner - along with the moral scepticism and ethical confusion that ensue - results, Stephen Darwell argues, from our failure to appreciate the essentially interpersonal character of moral obligation.

The future of the philosophy of time / ed. by Adrian Bardon . - New York : Routledge, 2012.

A 115 FUT

The last century has seen enormous progress in our understanding of time. This volume features original essays by the foremost philosophers of time discussing the goals and methodology of the philosophy of time, and examining the best way to move forward with regard to the field's core issues. The collection is unique in combining cutting edge work on time with a focus on the big picture of time studies as a discipline. The major questions asked include: What are the implications of relativity and quantum physics on our understanding of time? Is the passage of time real, or just a subjective phenomenon? Are the past and future real, or is the present all that exists? If the future is real and unchanging (as contemporary physics seems to suggest), how is free will possible? Since only the present moment is perceived, how does the experience as we know it come about? How does experience take on its character of a continuous flow of moments or events? What explains the apparent one-way direction of time? Is time travel a logical/metaphysical possibility?

La mente inquieta : saggio sull'umanesimo / Massimo Cacciari. – Torino : Einaudi, 2019.


Predomina ancora una visione del periodo dell’Umanesimo che ne esalta, da un lato, i valori estetico-artistici, e tende a ridurne, dall’altro, il pensiero a elementi retorico-filologici. Massimo Cacciari ci fa capire come le cose siano piú complesse e meno schematiche, e come la stessa filologia umanistica vada in realtà inserita in un progetto culturale piú ampio nel quale l’attenzione al passato è complementare alla riflessione sul futuro, mondano e ultramondano. Dunque una filologia che è intimamente filosofia e teologia. E i nodi filosofici affrontati dagli umanisti (che in quest’ottica non iniziano con Petrarca o con i padovani, ma con lo stesso Dante) sono difficilmente ascrivibili a sistemi armonici o pacificanti, secondo una visione tradizionale del Rinascimento. C’è un nucleo tragico del pensiero umanistico, fortemente «anti-dialettico», in cui le polarità opposte non si armonizzano né vengono sintetizzate.

Metaphysical grounding : understanding the structure of reality / ed. by Fabrice Correia, Benjamin Schnieder . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

A 110 MET

Some of the most eminent and enduring philosophical questions concern matters of priority: what is prior to what? What 'grounds' what? Is, for instance, matter prior to mind? Recently, a vivid debate has arisen about how such questions have to be understood. Can the relevant notion or notions of priority be spelled out? And how do they relate to other metaphysical notions, such as modality, truth-making or essence? This volume of new essays, by leading figures in contemporary metaphysics, is the first to address and investigate the metaphysical idea that certain facts are grounded in other facts. An introduction introduces and surveys the debate, examining its history as well as its central systematic aspects. The volume will be of wide interest to students and scholars of metaphysics.

Modality and tense : philosophical papers / Kit Fine . - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2008.


Since the 1970s Kit Fine has been one of the leading contributors to work at the intersection of logic and metaphysics. This is his eagerly-awaited first book in the area. It draws together a series of essays, three of them previously unpublished, on possibility, necessity, and tense. These puzzling aspects of the way the world is have been the focus of considerable philosophical attention in recent decades. A helpful introduction orients the reader and offers a way into some of the most original work in contemporary philosophy.

A model of the universe : space-time, probability, and decision / Storrs McCall . - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2011.


Storrs McCall presents an original philosophical theory of the nature of the universe based on a striking new model of its space-time structure. He shows how his model illuminates a broad range of subjects, including causation, probability, quantum mechanics, identity, and free will, and argues that the fact that the model throws light on such a large number of problems constitutes strong evidence that the universe is as the model portrays it.

The nature of time / Ulrich Meyer . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.


The theory of relativity convinced many philosophers that space and time are fundamentally alike, and that they are mere aspects of a more fundamental space-time. In The Nature of Time, Ulrich Meyer argues against this consensus view. Instead of a "spatial" account of time that treats instants like positions in space, he presents the first comprehensive defense of a 'modal' account that emphasizes the similarities between times and the possible worlds in modal logic. Modal accounts of time are naturally cast in terms of a tense logic that accounts for temporal distinctions in terms of primitive tense operators. Tense logic was originally developed to provide a linguistic theory of verb tense in natural languages, but here Meyer proposes that it can be treated as a metaphysical theory of the nature of time. Contrary to popular belief, such modal accounts of time do not commit us to the view that there is something metaphysically special about the present moment, and they are easily reconciled with the theory of relativity.

Oxford studies in metaphysics. Vol. 1 / ed. by Dean W. Zimmerman . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008.

A 110 OXF

Oxford Studies in Metaphysics is the forum for the best new work in this flourishing field. Much of the most interesting work in philosophy today is metaphysical in character: this new series will be a much-needed focus for it. OSM will offer a broad view of the subject, featuring not only the traditionally central topics such as existence, identity, modality, time, and causation, but also the rich clusters of metaphysical questions in neighbouring fields, such as philosophy of mind and philosophy of science. Besides independent essays, volumes will often contain a critical essay on a recent book, or a symposium that allows participants to respond to one another's criticisms and questions. Anyone who wants to know what's happening in metaphysics can start here.

The philosophy of space & time / Hans Reichenbach ; trans. by Maria Reichenbach and John Freund ; with introductory remarks by Rudolf Carnap . - New York : Dover, 1958.


With unusual depth and clarity, it covers the problem of the foundations of geometry, the theory of time, the theory and consequences of Einstein's relativity including: relations between theory and observations, coordinate definitions, relations between topological and metrical properties of space, the psychological problem of the possibility of a visual intuition of non-Euclidean structures, and many other important topics in modern science and philosophy. While some of the book utilizes mathematics of a somewhat advanced nature, the exposition is so careful and complete that most people familiar with the philosophy of science or some intermediate mathematics will understand the majority of the ideas and problems discussed. Partial CONTENTS: I. The Problem of Physical Geometry. Universal and Differential Forces. Visualization of Geometries. Spaces with non-Euclidean Topological Properties. Geometry as a Theory of Relations. II. The Difference between Space and Time. Simultaneity. Time Order. Unreal Sequences. Ill. The Problem of a Combined Theory of Space and Time. Construction of the Space-Time Metric. Lorentz and Einstein Contractions. Addition Theorem of Velocities. Principle of Equivalence. Einstein's Concept of the Problems of Rotation and Gravitation. Gravitation and Geometry. Riemannian Spaces. The Singular Nature of Time. Spatial Dimensions. Reality of Space and Time.

Plato on parts and wholes : the metaphysics of structure / Verity Harte . - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2005.


What is the relation between a whole and its parts? Is a whole identical to its parts, or is there some other relation of composition? These questions are much discussed in modern philosophy; but Plato's rich discussion of composition has been neglected. Verity Harte provides the first sustained examination of this Platonic discussion and explains its relations to modern debates. She reveals how, in several late works, Plato criticizes the view that a whole is identical to its parts. She then goes on to discuss the intriguing alternative conception of wholes he offers in its place. This book is an invaluable resource both for scholars of Plato and for modern metaphysicians. For scholars of Plato, Harte's careful textual analysis provides fresh insights into some of his most difficult works. For modern metaphysicians, she illuminates the contemporary debate by placing it within an historical context.

Priority in Aristotle's metaphysics / Michail Peramatzis . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.


Michail Peramatzis presents a new interpretation of Aristotle's view of the priority relations between fundamental and derivative parts of reality, following the recent revival of interest in Aristotelian discussions of what priority consists in and how it relates existents. He explores how in Aristotle's view, in contradistinction with (e.g.) Quinean metaphysical views, questions of existence are not considered central. Rather, the crucial questions are: what types of existent are fundamental and what their grounding relation to derivative existents consists in. It is extremely important, therefore, to return to Aristotle's own theses regarding priority and to study them not only with exegetical caution but also with an acutely critical philosophical eye. Aristotle deploys the notion of priority in numerous levels of his thought. In his ontology he operates with the notion of primary substance. His Categories, for instance, confer this honorific title upon particular objects such as Socrates or Bucephalus, while in the Metaphysics it is essences or substantial forms, such as being human, which are privileged with priority over certain types of matter or hylomorphic compounds (either particular compound objects such as Socrates or universal compound types such as the species human). Peramatzis' chief aim is to understand priority claims of this sort in Aristotle's metaphysical system by setting out the different concepts of priority and seeing whether and, if so, how Aristotle's preferred prior and posterior items fit with these concepts.

Real essentialism / David S. Oderberg . - New York : Routledge, 2007.

A 111.1 ODE REA

Real Essentialism presents a comprehensive defence of neo-Aristotelian essentialism. Do objects have essences? Must they be the kinds of things they are in spite of the changes they undergo? Can we know what things are really like - can we define and classify reality? Many if not most philosophers doubt this, influenced by centuries of empiricism, and by the anti-essentialism of Wittgenstein, Quine, Popper, and other thinkers. Real Essentialism reinvigorates the tradition of realist, essentialist metaphysics, defending the reality and knowability of essence, the possibility of objective, immutable definition, and its relevance to contemporary scientific and metaphysical issues such as whether essence transcends physics and chemistry, the essence of life, the nature of biological species, and the nature of the person.

Stream of consciousness : unity and continuity in conscious experience / Barry Dainton . - London : Routledge, 2000.


Stream of Consciousness is about the phenomenology of conscious experience. Barry Dainton shows us that stream of consciousness is not a mosaic of discrete fragments of experience, but rather an interconnected flowing whole. Through a deep probing into the nature of awareness, introspection, phenomenal space and time consciousness, Dainton offers a truly original understanding of the nature of consciousness.

Time and identity / ed. by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke and Harry S. Silverstein . - Cambridge : MIT Press, 2010.

A 115 TIM

The concepts of time and identity seem at once unproblematic and frustratingly difficult. Time is an intricate part of our experience―it would seem that the passage of time is a prerequisite for having any experience at all―and yet recalcitrant questions about time remain. Is time real? Does time flow? Do past and future moments exist? Philosophers face similarly stubborn questions about identity, particularly about the persistence of identical entities through change. Indeed, questions about the metaphysics of persistence take on many of the complexities inherent in philosophical considerations of time. This volume of original essays brings together these two essentially related concepts in a way not reflected in the available literature, making it required reading for philosophers working in metaphysics and students interested in these topics. The contributors, distinguished authors and rising scholars, first consider the nature of time and then turn to the relation of identity, focusing on the metaphysical connections between the two, with a special emphasis on personal identity. The volume concludes with essays on the metaphysics of death, issues in which time and identity play a significant role. This groundbreaking collection offers both cutting-edge epistemological analysis and historical perspectives on contemporary topics.

Time, language, and ontology : the world from the B-theoretic perspective / M. Joshua Mozersky . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015.


This book brings together, in a novel way, an account of the structure of time with an account of our language and thought about time. Joshua Mozersky argues that it is possible to reconcile the human experience of time, which is centred on the present, with the objective conception of time, according to which all moments are intrinsically alike. He defends a temporally centreless ontology along with a tenseless semantics that is compatible with - and indeed helps to explain the need for - tensed language and thought. This theory of time also, it is argued, helps to elucidate the nature of change and temporal passage, neither of which need be denied nor relegated to the realm of subjective experience only. The book addresses a variety of topics including whether the past and future are real; whether temporal passage is a genuine phenomenon or merely a subjective illusion; how the asymmetry of time is to be understood; the nature of representation; how something can change its properties yet retain its identity; and whether objects are three-dimensional or four-dimensional. It is a wide-ranging examination of recent issues in metaphysics, philosophy of language and the philosophy of science and presents a compelling picture of the relationship of human beings to the spatiotemporal world.

Time, tense, and causation / Michael Tooley . - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2004.


Michael Tooley presents a major new philosophical theory of the nature of time, offering a powerful alternative to the traditional "tensed" and recent "tenseless" accounts of time. He argues for a dynamic conception of the universe, in which past, present, and future are not merely subjective features of experience. He claims that the past and the present are real, while the future is not. Tooley's approach accounts for time in terms of causation. He therefore claims that the key to understanding the dynamic nature of the universe is to understand the nature of causation. Time, Tense, and Causation is a landmark treatment of one of the oldest and most perplexing intellectual problems, and will be fascinating reading for anyone interested in the character of time.

World enough and space-time : absolute versus relational theories of space and time / John Earman . - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 1989.


Newton's Principia introduced conceptions of space and time that launched one of the most famous and sustained debates in the history of physics, a controversy that involves fundamental concerns in the foundations of physics, metaphysics, and scientific epistemology. This book introduces and clarifies the historical and philosophical development of the clash between Newton's absolute conception of space and Leibniz's relational one. It separates the issues and provides new perspectives on absolute relational accounts of motion and relational-substantival accounts of the ontology of space time. Earman's sustained treatment and imaginative insights raise to a new level the debate on these important issues at the boundary of philosophy and physics. He surveys the history of the controversy from Newton to Einstein develops the mathematics and physics needed to pose the issues in sharp form and provides a persuasive assessment of the philosophical problems involved. Most importantly, Earman revitalizes the connection of the debate to contemporary science. He shows, for example, how concerns raised by Leibniz form the core of ongoing debate on the foundations of general theory of relativity, moving the discussion into a new and vital arena and introducing arguments that will be discussed for years to come.


Opera omnia / Henri de Lubac . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2017.


Aufbruch und Widerstand : das Kloster Einsiedeln im Spannungsfeld von Barock, Aufklärung und Revolution / Thomas Fässler . - Egg bei Einsiedeln : Thesis, 2019.

A 271.10494 FAS AUF

Am 3. Mai 1798 rückten über 6000 französische Soldaten in Einsiedeln ein. Nur wenige Stunden zuvor waren die Mönche um ihr Leben geflohen. Ungeschützt mussten sie ihr berühmtes Kloster zurücklassen, das nun der Plünderung freigegeben und schon bald für aufgehoben erklärt wurde. Für das Kloster Einsiedeln bildet dieser Frühlingstag eine epochale Zäsur. er bedeutet das Ende der Jahrhunderte alten gefürsteten Reichsabtei mit ihren weinverzweigten Herrschaften. Wie kam es soweit? Wie versuchten die Benediktiner, der nahenden Gefahr zu entrinnen? Und welcher Zusammenhang besteht zu den aufklärerischen Ideen, die Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts auch in die Innerschweiz vordrangen und die Einsiedler Mönche zu einer Stellungnahme herausforderten?

Esploratori della fede : Maldonado, Petavio, Mabillon, Newman, Rosmini / Inos Biffi . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2018.

A 230.092 BIF OPE

La ricerca di Biffi mette in luce un filo rosso di pensiero che attraversa la storia moderna e ci conduce al xix secolo. Proprio la frequentazione della complessità tomistica e della creatività e dolcezza del pensare monastico hanno iniziato l’autore a cercare gli «esploratori della fede» in quel mondo moderno in cui si sviluppano il pensiero scientifico e i sistemi filosofici. I capitoli progettati da Biffi per questo volume sono la messa a fuoco di figure che illuminano la storia del pensiero cristiano nella modernità. Dalla Scuola di Salamanca nel periodo rinascimentale e barocco, ai Maurini nel Settecento in Francia, a una figura come Newman nell’Ottocento, il rivolgersi alle Scritture è accompagnato dalla messa in valore delle prime fonti dell’esegesi. Da qui l’importanza di Esploratori della fede per farci gustare la qualità e l’acutezza di pensatori da Maldonado a Rosmini che hanno mantenuto vivo il connubio tra l’entusiasmante procedere della ragione e le meraviglie dello spirito.

I fondamenti della vita spirituale : tratti da L'imitazione di Cristo / Jean-Joseph Surin ; saggio iniziale di Giovanni Colombo . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2017.

A 248.2 SUR FON

"Tre secoli sono trascorsi, eppure davanti a Jean-Joseph Surin anche oggi gli uomini s'arrestano discordi e perplessi e si chiedono: ossessione demoniaca o nevrosi? supreme prove del mistico o fenomeni isterici? grazia o follia? o tutte queste cause insieme? C'è un groviglio di elementi inquietanti in giro al Surin: bisogna ammetterlo. Tuttavia i segni della sua grandezza emergono da quel groviglio e s'impongono indiscutibilmente, simili a vette luminose che si elevano da campi di nebbie informi e fluttuanti. Pensatelo pure affetto da nevrosi, ma voi non potrete disconoscere che egli abbia esercitato una vasta e profonda efficacia sulle coscienze migliori del suo ambiente e del suo secolo. Innumerevoli anime (e non tutte suggestionabili o ingenue), prese dal suo fascino spirituale, si sono poste sotto la sua guida e realmente hanno raggiunto le cime della perfezione cristiana." (Giovanni Colombo).

Guida spirituale alla perfezione / Jean-Joseph Surin ; testo, introduzione e note a cura di Michel de Certeau . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2018.

A 248.2 SUR GUI

"Surin colpisce innanzitutto per la sua lucidità: una chiarezza ardente e incisiva. Non si tratta di perspicacia, che è acutezza nell'analisi psicologica; non è nemmeno, per essere esatti, quella penetrazione che tende ad approfondire il sapere. In lui la lucidità è intelligenza dell'esperienza; essa vi discerne, in modo sempre più acuto, il vero dal falso. La chiarezza dell'esposizione si ricollega qui alla fermezza di una scelta assoluta e costante. Quando scrive, Surin non mira a costruire un sistema teologico e tanto meno a descrivere degli stati interiori. Come non sono trattati dottrinali, le sue opere non sono nemmeno delle esposizioni o delle descrizioni psicologiche. Senza lasciare il dominio dei fatti, egli avvia una «scienza sperimentale» della vita spirituale."

Paolo VI : amico di don Orione / a cura di Flavio Peloso . - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2015.

A 282.092 PAU PAO

Don Luigi Orione (1872-1940), "stratega della carità", e Paolo VI (1897-1978), "grande papa, coraggioso cristiano, instancabile apostolo", sono stati due santi protagonisti tra i più rilevanti della scena ecclesiale del Novecento. Pur separati da 25 anni di età, si conobbero e si stimarono con reciproca confidenza. L'epiteto "amico di don Orione", che compare nel titolo, fu più volte attribuito da Montini a se stesso durante tutto l'arco della sua vita. Il libro presenta i testi di Montini/Paolo VI diretti a don Orione (inediti) e alla sua Piccola Opera della Divina Provvidenza. Questi testi sono qui definiti "di grande bellezza letteraria, ricchi di afflato spirituale, tra i più penetranti per intuizione e lucidità nel genio della carità di san Luigi Orione". Essi sono preceduti da una ricostruzione storica suddivisa in tre periodi: quello della relazione personale di Montini con don Orione iniziata nel 1927 (F. Peloso), il tempo dell'episcopato milanese (G. Archetti) e i 15 anni del pontificato romano (G. Zambarbieri). La lettura di queste pagine aiuta la conoscenza di due santi del Novecento particolarmente significativi e illumina di luce evangelica il nostro cammino.

San Vincenzo de' Paoli : biografia / José María Román ; prefazione alla terza edizione italiana di Nicola Albanesi . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2018.

A 271.7702 ROM SAN

Ogni grande biografia di un personaggio che ha avuto una così feconda posterità come san Vincenzo de’ Paoli, da coinvolgere migliaia di persone nei secoli al servizio dei poveri, è uno strumento, per tutti, per conoscere la sua vita e il suo carisma e, per chi è stato contagiato dal suo modo di vivere il vangelo, riconoscersi nel carisma iniziato con lui. Padre José María Román Fuentes ha scritto un’opera fondamentale per far conoscere e far amare san Vincenzo. Essa è ancora, dopo più di trent’anni dalla prima edizione, la più documentata e solida indagine storica sulla vita del Santo. Apparsa in occasione del iv centenario della sua nascita (1581-1981), ha avuto due edizioni in lingua spagnola e due edizioni italiane. È stata tradotta anche in inglese, in polacco e in francese. Ha conosciuto una grande diffusione nel mondo. Oggi viene riproposta nella celebrazione del IV centenario dell’inizio carismatico delle sue fondazioni: la Missione e le Carità (1617-2017). Da quell’ispirazione, infatti, sono nate «Le Carità» (1617) – oggi Gruppi di Volontariato Vincenziano –, la «Congregazione della Missione» (1625), la «Compagnia delle Figlie della Carità» (1633).

San Vincenzo de' Paoli : la carità credibile della Chiesa / Luigi Nuovo . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2016.

A 271.7702 NUO SAN

"Non basta fare il bene, bisogna farlo bene. La carità è come un unguento prezioso che attira le anime. Le opere di Dio hanno il loro momento; e la Sua Provvidenza le compie soltanto allora e non prima né dopo. [...] Attendiamo pazientemente, ma agiamo; e, per così dire, affrettiamoci lentamente. Dio ama i poveri e di conseguenza ama coloro che amano i poveri; perché quando si ama molto una persona si sente affetto anche per i suoi amici e per coloro che la servono. Lasciamo fare a nostro Signore: è la sua opera. E come gli è piaciuto cominciarla, siamo certi che la porterà a compimento nel modo che vorrà [...] abbiate molto coraggio, confidate in nostro Signore. Prego nostro Signore che vi animi del suo Spirito, che dice umiltà, dolcezza, sopporto, pazienza, vigilanza, prudenza e carità. Voi troverete in Lui tutte queste virtù, e se lo lasciate agire le eserciterà in voi e per mezzo vostro. Vivete in questa confidenza e restate in pace. Per ringraziare Dio dei suoi benefici bisogna impiegare tanto tempo quanto se ne impiega per domandarglieli. Il paradiso delle comunità è la carità." (da Lampi di luce di san Vincenzo de' Paoli)

Simbolica : esposizione delle antitesi dogmatiche tra cattolici e protestanti secondo i loro scritti confessionali pubblici / Johann Adam Möhler ; a cura di Josef Rupert Geiselmann . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2018.


Johann Adam Möhler, vissuto a cavallo tra l'illuminismo cattolico e il primo romanticismo tedesco, appartiene alla cosiddetta «Scuola cattolica di Tubinga», la quale fu sensibile agli stimoli culturali del tempo, senza cedere a derive razionalistiche. Lo «spirito di sistema», tipico della filosofia classica tedesca, influenzò anche il genere teologico della «simbolica», vale a dire l'esposizione delle verità del cattolicesimo, messe a confronto sistematico con quelle del protestantesimo nelle sue varie denominazioni confessionali. Nella storia della teologia controversistica, Möhler rappresenta una svolta importante. A partire dai testi ufficiali della fede, egli predilige un'esposizione sistematica oggettiva, tanto del cattolicesimo, quanto delle varie correnti del protestantesimo; è sensibile al confronto e al riconoscimento di possibili errori sul piano storico-culturale, ma si dimostra, nonostante la sua sincera ispirazione irenica, intransigente sul terreno della formulazione dottrinale. Il suo modo rigidamente sistematico di intendere le verità cristiane, formulate in seno alla Chiesa cattolica, gli impedisce di varcare la soglia di quell'ecumenismo che è maturato in occasione del concilio Vaticano il e ha portato i primi risultati ufficiali nella Dichiarazione congiunta sulla dottrina della giustificazione per fede del 1999 tra la Chiesa cattolica e la Federazione luterana mondiale. In questo senso egli resta, nonostante la sua sincera volontà di operare per l'unità della Chiesa, un importante autore «pre-ecumenico».

La teologia nel dodicesimo secolo / Marie-Dominique Chenu ; a cura di Paolo Vian ; introduzione di Inos Biffi . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2016.

A 230.0902 CHE TEO

Questo libro, che tematizza lo sviluppo della riflessione teologica in uno dei secoli più ricchi di stimoli e fecondi della storia del cristianesimo, è da tutti gli studiosi ritenuto un classico e immancabile punto di riferimento della storiografia e del pensiero occidentale. L'opera ha inteso creare nuove prospettive di approccio, secondo ciò che l'autore stesso ama chiamare "metodo storico", sensibile non solo ai testi ma anche ai contesti sociali e religiosi in cui si espressero gli scrittori teologici. È un'opera viva, che ha avuto il merito di liberare la storia teologica dalle secche dell'erudizione. Una "storia" deve andare oltre le specializzazioni, deve essere in grado di raggiungere - secondo lo stesso Chenu - "i sottosuoli dei testi, delle controversie, dei sistemi, e anche delle personalità del genio". Infatti la conoscenza storica che l'autore persegue tende all'intelligenza interiore dei fatti e degli scritti, al di là di ciò che i loro autori ne hanno sul momento esplicitamente percepito ed espresso. Chenu mira a evidenziare le leggi interne che determinano il clima del secolo e la fede. Si arriva così a manifestare le zone di luce che compongono l'unità e le tensioni di tutto un travaglio generazionale.

La teologia protestante nel XIX secolo / Karl Barth ; prefazione di Franco Buzzi ; introduzione e cura di Italo Mancini . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2017.

A 230.044 BAR TEO

«Le date hanno la loro importanza. Nel 1946, all'indomani del secondo conflitto mondiale, uscì il libro intitolato Surnaturel, forse il più celebre in assoluto, per valore storico, tra i molti pubblicati dal padre gesuita Henri de Lubac. Nello stesso anno era pronta per la pubblicazione la prima edizione del volume Die protestantische Theologie im 19. Jahrhun-dert, scritto dall'ormai famoso teologo riformato calvinista Karl Barth. [...] Siamo di fronte a due opere di interesse, al tempo stesso, storico e teologico sistematico. [...] Sul versante protestante, un teologo sistematico del calibro di Barth ha intrapreso un lavoro storico analogo a quello svolto in campo cattolico da de Lubac, per portare*alla luce il percorso culturale che nei secoli XVIII e XIX ha condotto la teologia protestante a smarrire il cuore pulsante del cristianesimo, il quale in pieno Ottocento si è trovato svuotato della propria sostanza. Infatti Barth ha progressivamente preso le distanze dalla sua formazione teologica liberale, per intraprendere una critica rigorosa che egli rivolse al pensiero pietistico-illuminista e romantico tedesco. Ha ravvisato infatti nell'uomo dell'illuminismo quella "volontà di dar forma" (Formwille) che ha investito del primato antropologico del soggetto qualsiasi oggetto del mondo, compresi i contenuti della rivelazione cristiana. Questa tendenza, ben radicata in ogni forma di "assolutismo" del Settecento europeo, ha dato, nel secolo successivo, il suo frutto maturo in Hegel e Schleiermacher». (dalla Prefazione di Franco Buzzi alla nuova edizione).

Une théologie du pauvre à l'ère de la mondialisation : approche sociale et pastorale pour l'émergence de l'homme watsi du sud-est Togo / Dominique Kokou Mawunyo Gagnon ; préface du cardinal Gerhard Müller . - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2019.

A 261.8325 GAG THE

On espérait que le phénomène de la mondialisation allait réduire drastiquement la misère dans nos sociétés. Malheureusement, il accroît les inégalités entre les hommes et entre les nations. De nouveaux pauvres apparaissent, même dans les pays économiquement plus développés. On peut alors se demander : quels sont les traits caractéristiques des pauvres de la mondialisation ? La présence de plus en plus importante de personnes démunies, considérées comme les « vaincues » du système capitaliste, devient un défi majeur pour les sociétés et pour la politique internationale. Toutefois, la figure du pauvre n'interpelle pas seulement les sciences humaines et sociales. Elle constitue aussi une question essentiellement théologique. Elle interpelle fondamentalement l'Église dans son identité et dans sa manière de réfléchir et de proposer la foi chrétienne. À la lumière de l'enseignement social de l'Église, cet ouvrage se base sur la pensée théologique de Joseph Wresinski, Gustavo Gutiérrez et sur le magistère social du pape François pour proposer une théologie du pauvre à l'époque de la mondialisation économique et culturelle. L'auteur analyse d'une manière particulière le cas du pauvre watsi dans le Sud du Togo et propose des pistes pour enclencher le développement intégral dans ce milieu.

Tommaso d'Aquino : vita, pensiero, opere / James A. Weisheipl ; edizione italiana a cura di Inos Biffi e Costante Marabelli ; presentazione di Inos Biffi . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2016.

A 230.092 WEY TOM

L'opera di Weisheipl riappare qui ulteriormente aggiornata rispetto alla prima edizione italiana che già teneva conto di revisioni e di ritocchi successivi all'edizione americana. Il lavoro di Weisheipl rimane fondamentale: esso mette a disposizione di studiosi, ricercatori, ma, egualmente, del lettore interessato a una delle maggiori figure del Medioevo e del pensiero cristiano, un'inesauribile fonte di informazioni e di dati sulla sua personalità e sulla sua opera.

Tre donne della Riforma : Margherita d'Angoulême, Renata d'Este, Giovanna d'Albret / Elena Bonoldi Gattermayer ; prefazione di Costante Marabelli . - Milano : Jaca Book, 2017.

A 270.6092 BON TRE

Nel XVI esplose il contrasto tra una raffinata civiltà rinascimentale e l'estrema efferatezza di roghi, torture e violenze perpetrate in nome della fede. Similmente a quanto accade ai nostri giorni, l'intolleranza religiosa, come una lebbra che attacca gli Stati, aveva trascinato la Francia in una serie di lotte fratricide, seminando migliaia di morti in nome del Cattolicesimo o della Riforma. In un panorama così cruento tre donne, nate dalla stirpe dei Valois, spinte da profonde convinzioni, mostrarono una tenace volontà verso la Riforma, certe che essa potesse ricondurre alla sincerità del vero credo iniziale. Legate fra loro da vincoli di parentela, non furono tacite spettatrici, ma esponenti di un femminismo ante litteram. Determinate, pur con differenti modi di esprimere i loro ideali, misero una tenace volontà per raggiungere quei fini che sentivano come una missione.

Social sciences

Credere è reato? : libertà religiosa nello Stato laico e nella società aperta / a cura di Luigi Berzano . - Padova : Messaggero, 2012.

A 306.6 CRE

Un libro che, nell'eterogeneità delle riflessioni (di giuristi, sociologi e semiologi di diversa formazione), delinea il modello costituzionale, etico e sociale della libertà di religione e un modello di società civile.

De valoribus disputandum est : sui valori dopo il neoliberismo / Laura Pennacchi . - Milano : Mimesis, 2018.

A 303.372 PEN DEV

Il libro parte dalla contestazione dell’opinione corrente secondo cui “de gustibus, et de valoribus, non est disputandum” – un’opinione apparentemente di senso comune, in realtà basata sulla fallace equiparazione epistemologica dei “valori” a “gusti” e a “preferenze” compiuta dalla disciplina economica – e sostiene che, al contrario, “de valoribus disputandum est”. L’ostracismo che ha colpito la discussione dei valori nella sfera pubblica è alla base del disorientamento e dello smarrimento culturali odierni, I quali alimentano molti fenomeni di populismo che, a loro volta, incorporano paradossalmente domande valoriali inevase. Nell’ostracismo dato ai valori quanto ha agito la latitanza del pensiero filosofico di matrice umanistica e illuministica, da Heidegger alla “decostruzione” operata da Foucault e dalla sua scuola? Al disorientamento odierno concorrono il radicarsi dello scetticismo e del relativismo, I quali negano che I valori possano essere veri o falsi, e la diffusione di espressioni come “postverità”, che mettono tutto sullo stesso piano. L’esito della sottrazione delle questioni valoriali al discorso pubblico è una difficoltà di loro sottoposizione all’argomentazione, all’esame critico, alla verifica razionale. Le soluzioni secolarizzate che pretendono di approcciare al meglio il fatto del “pluralismo dei valori”, si rivelano così particolarmente vulnerabili al fatto del “dissenso” e del “conflitto tra valori”. Per rimediare a questo defict bisogna lavorare a costruire una “teoria dei valori” e un “quadro di possibilità delle idealità”, sottraendo I valori alla sfera privata irriflessa a cui sono stati consegnati.

Persuasion in public discourse : cognitive and functional perspectives / ed. by Jana Pelclová, Wei-lun Lu . - Amsterdam : John Benjamins, 2018.

A 303.342 PER

This book approaches persuasion in public discourse as a rhetorical phenomenon that enables the persuader to appeal to the addressee’s intellectual and emotional capacities in a competing public environment. The aim is to investigate persuasive strategies from the overlapping perspectives of cognitive and functional linguistics. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses of authentic data (including English, Czech, Spanish, Slovene, Russian, and Hungarian) are grounded in the frameworks of functional grammar, facework and rapport management, classical rhetoric studies and multimodal discourse analysis and are linked to the constructs of (re)framing, conceptual metaphor and blending, mental space and viewpoint. In addition to traditional genres such as political speeches, news reporting, and advertising, the book also studies texts that examine book reviews, medieval medical recipes, public complaints or anonymous viral videos. Apart from discourse analysts, pragmaticians and cognitive linguists, this book will appeal to cognitive musicologists, semioticians, historical linguists and scholars of related disciplines.

Radical markets : uprooting capitalism and democracy for a just society / Eric A. Posner, E. Glen Weyl . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2018.

A 306.342 POS RAD

Many blame today's economic inequality, stagnation, and political instability on the free market. The solution is to rein in the market, right? Radical Markets turns this thinking—and pretty much all conventional thinking about markets, both for and against—on its head. The book reveals bold new ways to organize markets for the good of everyone. It shows how the emancipatory force of genuinely open, free, and competitive markets can reawaken the dormant nineteenth-century spirit of liberal reform and lead to greater equality, prosperity, and cooperation. Eric Posner and Glen Weyl demonstrate why private property is inherently monopolistic, and how we would all be better off if private ownership were converted into a public auction for public benefit. They show how the principle of one person, one vote inhibits democracy, suggesting instead an ingenious way for voters to effectively influence the issues that matter most to them. They argue that every citizen of a host country should benefit from immigration—not just migrants and their capitalist employers. They propose leveraging antitrust laws to liberate markets from the grip of institutional investors and creating a data labor movement to force digital monopolies to compensate people for their electronic data. Only by radically expanding the scope of markets can we reduce inequality, restore robust economic growth, and resolve political conflicts. But to do that, we must replace our most sacred institutions with truly free and open competition—Radical Markets shows how.

Research design : quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research approaches / Patricia Leavy . - New York : The Guilford Press, 2017.

A 300.72 LEV RES

This user-friendly book provides a step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design: quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research. Chapters on each approach follow a unique format—they present a template for a research proposal and explain in detail how to conceptualize and fill in every section. Terminology commonly used within each approach is identified, and key moments of ethical decision making are flagged. Interdisciplinary research examples draw on current events and social justice topics. Unique coverage includes hot topics: replication studies and data sharing, tailoring proposals to different audiences, and more. The book also includes a general introduction to social research; an in-depth, practical discussion of ethics; and a chapter on how to begin a research study, from planning a topic to developing a research question via a literature review.

Communications and media

Digital people : tracce di antropologia digitale : tra clinical model e development model / Giovanni Fasoli, Lino Rossi ; con la partecipazione di Oscar Miotti e Vincenzo Salerno . - Padova :, 2018.

A 302.231083 FAS DIG

Il volume intende fornire alcune chiavi di lettura rispetto al focus "digital people", con un approccio transdisciplinare fra prevenzione, clinica ed empowerment educativo. Per poter operare con competenza educativa nella società multi-schermo - dove si moltiplicano le cornici - e all'interno di un contesto profondamente e di continuo rivoluzionato dalla new-media communication, emerge l'esigenza della figura di un professionista riflessivo post-digitale, un professionista di confine che - rispettando ogni epistemologia - sappia andare oltre una visione esclusivamente clinica (clincal model) per collocarsi in una prospettiva di sviluppo (development model).

The Sage handbook of social media / ed. by Jean Burgess, Alice Marwick, Thomas Poell . - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2018.

A 302.231 SAG

The world is in the midst of a social media paradigm. Once viewed as trivial and peripheral, social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and WeChat have become an important part of the information and communication infrastructure of society. They are bound up with business and politics as well as everyday life, work, and personal relationships. This international Handbook addresses the most significant research themes, methodological approaches and debates in the study of social media. It contains substantial chapters written especially for this book by leading scholars from a range of disciplinary perspectives, covering everything from computational social science to sexual self-expression.

Political science

Democracy and prosperity : reinventing capitalism through a turbulent century / Torben Iversen, David Soskice. – Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2019.

A 321.8091722 IVE DEM

It is a widespread view that democracy and the advanced nation-state are in crisis, weakened by globalization and undermined by global capitalism, in turn explaining rising inequality and mounting populism. This book, written by two of the world’s leading political economists, argues this view is wrong: advanced democracies are resilient, and their enduring historical relationship with capitalism has been mutually beneficial. For all the chaos and upheaval over the past century—major wars, economic crises, massive social change, and technological revolutions—Torben Iversen and David Soskice show how democratic states continuously reinvent their economies through massive public investment in research and education, by imposing competitive product markets and cooperation in the workplace, and by securing macroeconomic discipline as the preconditions for innovation and the promotion of the advanced sectors of the economy. Critically, this investment has generated vast numbers of well-paying jobs for the middle classes and their children, focusing the aims of aspirational families, and in turn providing electoral support for parties. Gains at the top have also been shared with the middle (though not the bottom) through a large welfare state. Contrary to the prevailing wisdom on globalization, advanced capitalism is neither footloose nor unconstrained: it thrives under democracy precisely because it cannot subvert it. Populism, inequality, and poverty are indeed great scourges of our time, but these are failures of democracy and must be solved by democracy.

Engagierte Politikwissenschaft : ausgewählte Schriften / Alois Riklin . - Bern : Stämpfli, 2018.


Die ausgewählten Schriften von Alois Riklin (1935), emeritierter Professor für Politikwissenschaft und ehemaliger Rektor der Universität St.Gallen, umfassen den Zeitraum von 1968 bis 2017. Es handelt sich überwiegend um Artikel, die in Festschriften, Sammelbänden und Zeitschriften vergraben waren. Die dreiunddreissig Essais sind je chronologisch nach vier Themenbereichen geordnet: Ideen- und Verfassungsgeschichte, Politische Ethik, Schweizerische Innen- und Aussenpolitik sowie Universitäts- und Wissenschaftspolitik. Sind es allesamt Ladenhüter? Keineswegs, meint der Autor. Denn: Führt der älteste Beitrag nicht direkt in die heutige Debatte über «Schumans supranationales Europa oder de Gaulles Europa der Staaten?» (1968)? Passt die St.Galler Antrittsvorlesung «Schweizerische Unabhängigkeit heute» (1971) nicht zur aktuellen Selbstbestimmungsinitiative, welche den Vorrang der direkten Demokratie gegenüber dem Völkerrecht postuliert? Ist die St.Galler Abschiedsvorlesung «Wahrhaftigkeit in der Politik» (2001) in einer Zeit von Fake News, alternativen Fakten und professioneller Desinformation nicht brandaktuell? Und ist die Budapester Abschiedsvorlesung (2010) nicht ein Gegenmodell zu Orbans «nichtliberaler Demokratie» ohne Zivilgesellschaft?

Introduzione alle relazioni internazionali : domande fondamentali e prospettive contemporanee / Joseph Grieco, G. John Ikenberry, Michael Mastanduno ; a cura di Vittorio Emanuele Parsi . - Torino : UTET Università, 2017.

A 327.1 GRI ECO

Quello che il lettore si appresta a sfogliare è uno dei manuali di rela­zioni internazionali più importanti e più diffusi negli Stati Uniti, patria d’origine della disciplina così come si è sviluppata a partire dal secondo dopoguerra. In questo manuale possiamo ben asserire che oggi si ritrova il nuovo mainstream della disciplina, arricchito dagli esiti di un dibattito che ha perso molto del furore che lo aveva caratterizzato nei decenni conclusivi del secolo scorso e che si è progressivamente aperto agli sti­moli forniti dalle impostazioni più recenti e, sotto taluni aspetti, persino rivoluzionarie. Proprio la ricchezza del confronto, da un lato, e la capacità di orientarlo costruttivamente, dall’altro, hanno consentito di pervenire a un risultato nel quale è possibile tracciare un bilancio quanto più possibile condiviso dell’oggetto, della metodologia e dei programmi di ricerca delle relazioni internazionali. Allo studente, così come al neofita della disciplina o a chi semplicemente sia incuriosito dallo studio politologico della realtà internazionale, questo manuale offre un approccio sicuramente peculia­re. Quello che si presenta ai nostri occhi è un libro concepito in tutto e per tutto per rispondere alle domande sulla politica internazionale. È un volume di facile accesso che, piuttosto che proporre fin dall’inizio un’or­ganizzazione sistematica del sapere disciplinarmente consolidato, opta per un meccanismo a spirale, una vera e propria “vite senza fine” che conduce il lettore verso una conoscenza sempre più approfondita delle dinamiche della politica internazionale, delle regolarità che le governano e dei modi per inquadrarle, interpretarle e spiegarle.

Jihad : ascesa e declino : storia del fondamentalismo islamico / Gilles Kepel . - Roma : Carocci, 2016.

A 320.557 KEP JIH

L’ascesa del fondamentalismo islamico nel secondo dopoguerra rappresenta senza dubbio uno dei fenomeni più significativi del secolo appena concluso, nonchè una delle incognite maggiori nel secolo che si apre.Questa sintesi originale a firma di uno dei maggiori esperti dell’argomento ne fornisce per la prima volta una ricostruzione complessiva, analizzandone le diverse dimensioni storiche, culturali e sociali e fornendo le chiavi per comprendere l’ampiezza di un movimento politico-religioso che si è esteso dall’Algeria all’Afghanistan, dalla Turchia all’Indonesia. Di fronte alle sfide della modernità e della democrazia, sostiene Gilles Kepel sulla base di una ricca documentazione, l’ideale della guerra santa sembra oggi avere perso buona parte della sua forza e tutto indica che i movimenti integralisti sono destinati a svolgere un ruolo marginale nel futuro delle società musulmane.

Nazione e nazionalismi : teorie, interpretazioni, sfide attuali / a cura di Alessandro Campi, Stefano De Luca e Francesco Tuccari . - Roma : Historica Edizioni, 2018.

A 320.54 NAZ

La nazione (come forma politica) e il nazionalismo (come ideologia) - visti nei loro rapporti con la democrazia e lo Stato - continuano ad occupare la scena storica e a influenzare la lotta politica. Ma, dopo la fioritura di pubblicazioni e ricerche avutasi negli anni Ottanta del Novecento, sembra essersi affievolito l'interesse degli studiosi nei loro confronti. Probabilmente è venuto il momento di rimettere mano ad un lavoro critico-analitico su questi temi, che tenga conto di come è andato evolvendo il quadro storico mondiale. Quest'ultimo è esattamente l'obiettivo perseguito dal presente volume, che raccoglie gli Atti del convegno svoltosi a Perugia il 15-17 settembre 2016: quarantacinque saggi originali (in due grossi tomi) che offrono una panoramica aggiornata e completa degli studi sul concetto di nazione, sulle dottrine del nazionalismo e sui movimenti nazionalisti ancora oggi attivi a livello internazionale. Con un'attenzione particolare al modo con cui le culture politiche italiane otto-novecentesche hanno affrontato il tema dell'identità nazionale.

Relazioni internazionali / Filippo Andreatta ... [et al.] - 2. ed . - Bologna : Il Mulino, 2012.

A 327.1 REL

Il manuale fornisce un'esauriente introduzione alla disciplina delle Relazioni internazionali. Dopo un'analisi del ruolo dello Stato come attore protagonista nelle relazioni internazionali, sono esposte le più significative teorie liberali, realiste e istituzionaliste volte alla spiegazione della politica internazionale in epoca contemporanea. Si dà quindi conto, grazie anche a numerose esemplificazioni, delle trasformazioni radicali a cui essa è andata incontro in ambiti specifici quali la sicurezza, la globalizzazione economica e sociale, e l'identità culturale. Questa nuova edizione aggiornata approfondisce, tra l'altro, gli approcci geopolitici.


Capitalism without capital : the rise of the intangible economy / Jonathan Haskel, Stian Westlake. – Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2018.

A 330.905 HAS CAP

Early in the twenty-first century, a quiet revolution occurred. For the first time, the major developed economies began to invest more in intangible assets, like design, branding, R&D, and software, than in tangible assets, like machinery, buildings, and computers. For all sorts of businesses, from tech firms and pharma companies to coffee shops and gyms, the ability to deploy assets that one can neither see nor touch is increasingly the main source of long-term success. But this is not just a familiar story of the so-called new economy. Capitalism without Capital shows that the growing importance of intangible assets has also played a role in some of the big economic changes of the last decade. The rise of intangible investment is, Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake argue, an underappreciated cause of phenomena from economic inequality to stagnating productivity. Haskel and Westlake bring together a decade of research on how to measure intangible investment and its impact on national accounts, showing the amount different countries invest in intangibles, how this has changed over time, and the latest thinking on how to assess this. They explore the unusual economic characteristics of intangible investment, and discuss how these features make an intangible-rich economy fundamentally different from one based on tangibles. Capitalism without Capital concludes by presenting three possible scenarios for what the future of an intangible world might be like, and by outlining how managers, investors, and policymakers can exploit the characteristics of an intangible age to grow their businesses, portfolios, and economies.

A research agenda for new institutional economics / ed. by Claude Ménard, Mary M. Shirley . - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2018.

A 330 RES

Consisting of 30 concise chapters written by top scholars, this Research Agenda probes the knowledge frontiers of issues long at the forefront of New Institutional Economics (NIE), including government, contracts and property rights. It examines pressing research questions surrounding norms, culture, and beliefs. It is designed to inform and inspire students and those starting their careers in economics, law and political science. Well-established scholars will also find the book invaluable in updating their understanding of crucial research questions and seeking new areas to explore.

Labour economics

Manuale di economia del lavoro / Pepi De Caleo, Brucchi Luchino . - Bologna : Il Mulino, 2015.


Il lavoro svolge un ruolo fondamentale nella vita dell’uomo. Non solo ha effetti sul benessere delle persone e influisce sulle loro decisioni di istruzione, utilizzo del tempo libero e pensionamento, ma costituisce anche una risorsa centrale per il successo degli investimenti effettuati dalle imprese. Proprio per questo si configura come un mercato alquanto diverso da quelli in cui vengono scambiati beni e servizi: occorre considerare le disparità di potere contrattuale, la presenza di asimmetrie informative, l’esigenza di intervento pubblico e il ruolo delle istituzioni. Il manuale illustra questa realtà complessa rapportandosi costantemente ai «fatti», da cui l’economia del lavoro non può prescindere, e facendo ricorso a tecniche statistiche per descriverli e per illustrare le relazioni che li caratterizzano.

Financial economics

Hedge funds : an analytic perspective / Andrew W. Lo . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2010.

A 332.645 LOA HED

The hedge fund industry has grown dramatically over the last two decades, with more than eight thousand funds now controlling close to two trillion dollars. Originally intended for the wealthy, these private investments have now attracted a much broader following that includes pension funds and retail investors. Because hedge funds are largely unregulated and shrouded in secrecy, they have developed a mystique and allure that can beguile even the most experienced investor. In Hedge Funds, Andrew Lo--one of the world's most respected financial economists--addresses the pressing need for a systematic framework for managing hedge fund investments. Arguing that hedge funds have very different risk and return characteristics than traditional investments, Lo constructs new tools for analyzing their dynamics, including measures of illiquidity exposure and performance smoothing, linear and nonlinear risk models that capture alternative betas, econometric models of hedge fund failure rates, and integrated investment processes for alternative investments. In a new chapter, he looks at how the strategies for and regulation of hedge funds have changed in the aftermath of the financial crisis.

Unelected power : the quest for legitimacy in central banking and the regulatory state / Paul Tucker . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2018.

A 332.11 TUC UNE

Central bankers have emerged from the financial crisis as the third great pillar of unelected power alongside the judiciary and the military. They pull the regulatory and financial levers of our economic well-being, yet unlike democratically elected leaders, their power does not come directly from the people. Unelected Power lays out the principles needed to ensure that central bankers, technocrats, regulators, and other agents of the administrative state remain stewards of the common good and do not become overmighty citizens. Paul Tucker draws on a wealth of personal experience from his many years in domestic and international policymaking to tackle the big issues raised by unelected power, and enriches his discussion with examples from the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and the European Union. Blending economics, political theory, and public law, Tucker explores the necessary conditions for delegated but politically insulated power to be legitimate in the eyes of constitutional democracy and the rule of law. He explains why the solution must fit with how real-world government is structured, and why technocrats and their political overseers need incentives to make the system work as intended. Tucker explains how the regulatory state need not be a fourth branch of government free to steer by its own lights, and how central bankers can emulate the best of judicial self-restraint and become models of dispersed power. Like it or not, unelected power has become a hallmark of modern government. This critically important book shows how to harness it to the people's purposes.

Production economy

Development economics / Gérard Roland . - London : Routledge, 2014.

A 338.91 ROL DEV

Gerard Roland's new text, Development Economics, is the first undergraduate text to recognize the role of institutions in understanding development and growth. Through a series of chapters devoted to specific sets of institutions, Roland examines the effects of institutions on growth, property rights, market development, and the delivery of public goods and services and focuses. With the most comprehensive and up to date treatment of institutions on development, Roland explores the important questions of why some countries develop faster than others and why some fail while others are successful.

How growth really happens : the making of economic miracles through production, governance, and skills / Michael H. Best . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2018.

A 338.9 BES HOW

Achieving economic growth is one of today's key challenges. In this groundbreaking book, Michael Best argues that to understand how successful growth happens we need an economic framework that focuses on production, governance, and skills. This production-centric framework is the culmination of three simultaneous journeys. The first has been Best's visits to hundreds of factories worldwide, starting early as the son of a labor organizer and continuing through his work as an academic and industrial consultant. The second is a survey of two hundred years of economic thought from Babbage to Krugman, with stops along the way for Marx, Marshall, Young, Penrose, Richardson, Schumpeter, Kuznets, Abramovitz, Keynes, and Jacobs. The third is a tour of historical episodes of successful and failed transformations, focusing sharply on three core elements—the production system, business organization, and skill formation—and their interconnections. Best makes the case that government should create the institutional infrastructures needed to support these elements and their interconnections rather than subsidize individual enterprises. The power of Best's alternative framework is illustrated by case studies of transformative experiences previously regarded as economic "miracles": America's World War II industrial buildup, Germany's postwar recovery, Greater Boston's innovation system, Ireland's tech-sector boom, and the rise of the Asian Tigers and China. Accessible and engaging, How Growth Really Happens is required reading for anyone who wants to advance today's crucial debates about industrial policy, free trade, outsourcing, and the future of work.

Anti-blanchard macroeconomics : a comparative approach / Emiliano Brancaccio, Andrea Califano . - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2019.


Olivier Blanchard, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is author of one of the most important standard macroeconomics textbooks which is used throughout the world. Endorsed by Blanchard himself, Anti-Blanchard Macroeconomics critically analyses prevailing economic theory and policy in comparison with alternative approaches. This textbook is designed to stand alongside Blanchard’s text, or indeed any other standard book on macroeconomics, but it can also be read independently. It provides undergraduate and advanced students with a critical view of the subject, and is also appropriate for scholars interested in a new way of analysing the debate between alternative schools of economic thought. Emiliano Brancaccio and Andrea Califano succinctly explore the relationship between theoretical models and economic policies, providing readers with examples and empirical exercises. The book highlights ways in which simple changes to the initial hypotheses of the dominant models can lead to alternative schemes that overturn the logical relationships and the policy prescriptions of standard macroeconomics. Key features: It critically assesses the mainstream macroeconomic models It overcomes the typical contradiction between the opportunity to offer students a preliminary mainstream education and the need to nurture their critical spirit It helps students to understand that economics is not a discipline that changes in a smooth, linear manner but, on the contrary, represents a field of research that develops through intense theoretical debates, continual empirical testing and resultant disputes about economic policy It critically analyses Blanchard’s new approach to macroeconomics inspired by the 2008 global financial crisis.

Austerity : when it works and when it doesn't / Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero, Francesco Giavazzi . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2019.

A 339.52 ALE AUS

Fiscal austerity is hugely controversial. Opponents argue that it can trigger downward growth spirals and become self-defeating. Supporters argue that budget deficits have to be tackled aggressively at all times and at all costs. In this masterful book, three of today’s leading policy experts cut through the political noise to demonstrate that there is not one type of austerity but many. Looking at thousands of fiscal measures adopted by sixteen advanced economies since the late 1970s, Austerity assesses the relative effectiveness of tax increases and spending cuts at reducing debt. It shows that spending cuts have much smaller costs in terms of output losses than tax increases. Spending cuts can sometimes be associated with output gains in the case of expansionary austerity and are much more successful than tax increases at reducing the growth of debt. The authors also show that austerity is not necessarily the kiss of death for political careers as is often believed, and provide new insights into the recent cases of European austerity after the financial crisis. Bringing needed clarity to one of today’s most challenging subjects, Austerity charts a sensible approach based on data analysis rather than ideology.

Consumption and the transformation of everyday life : a view from South India / Harold Wilhite . - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

A 339.470954 WIL CON

Harold Wilhite makes an important new contribution to the interpretation of changing consumption in India, using an ethnographic approach to interrogate the rapid growth in the consumption of household durables, beauty and cleanliness products, exploring how the engagement of local practices with the globalizing economy result in change.

Globalization and inequality / Elhanan Helpman . - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2018.

A 339.22 HEL GLO

Globalization is not the primary cause of rising inequality. This may come as a surprise. Inequality within nations has risen steadily in recent decades, at a time when countries around the world have eased restrictions on the movement of goods, capital, and labor. Many assume a causal relationship, which has motivated opposition to policies that promote freer trade. Elhanan Helpman shows, however, in this timely study that this assumption about the effects of globalization is more myth than fact. Globalization and Inequality guides us through two decades of research about the connections among international trade, offshoring, and changes in income, and shows that the overwhelming conclusion of contemporary research is that globalization is responsible for only a small rise in inequality. The chief causes remain difficult to pin down, though technological developments favoring highly skilled workers and changes in corporate and public policies are leading suspects. As Helpman makes clear, this does not mean that globalization creates no problems. Critics may be right to raise concerns about such matters as cultural autonomy, child labor, and domestic sovereignty. But if we wish to curb inequality while protecting what is best about an interconnected world, we must start with a clear view of what globalization does and does not do and look elsewhere to understand our troubling and growing divide.

Political economics : redistributive policies / Vincenzo Galasso . - Milano : EGEA, 2017.

A 339.52 GAL POL

This book is written for undergraduate students in Economics and in Political Science who want to learn about the political economics of redistributive policies. It provides a positive analysis of the political process behind the design and implementation of redistributive policies, by using the minimum level of mathematical formalization required, in an attempt to be accessible to second- and third-year undergraduate students.


International environmental law / Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Jorge E. Viñuales . - 2nd ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018.

A 344.046 DUP INT

International Environmental Law offers a concise, conceptually clear, and legally rigorous introduction to contemporary international environmental law and practice. The book covers all major environmental agreements, paying particular attention to their underlying structure, main legal provisions, and practical operation. It blends legal and policy analysis, making extensive reference to the jurisprudence and scholarship, and addressing the interconnections with other areas of international law, including human rights, humanitarian law, trade and foreign investment. The material is structured into four sections - foundations, substantive regulation, implementation, and influence on other areas of international law - which help the reader to navigate the different areas of international environmental law. Each chapter includes charts summarising the main components of the relevant legal frameworks and provides a detailed bibliography. Suitable for practicing and academic international lawyers who want an accessible, up-to-date introduction to contemporary international environmental law, as well as non-lawyers seeking a concise and clear understanding of the subject.

Public administration

Valutare il successo delle politiche pubbliche / Alberto Martini, Marco Sisti . - Bologna : Il Mulino, 2009.

A 352.35 MAR VAL

Valutare il successo delle politiche pubbliche è un imperativo che si ritrova un po' dovunque: nei documenti ufficiali, nei discorsi dei politici, negli editoriali dei quotidiani. A fronte di questo richiamo, nel nostro paese s'investono poche risorse per indagare se gli interventi promossi riescano a incidere sui problemi che ne motivano l'adozione, per documentarne lo stato di attuazione e per capire eventualmente perché le soluzioni adottate non abbiano funzionato. Questo volume offre una trattazione dei metodi analitici utili a dare un giudizio, empiricamente fondato, sul successo di una politica pubblica. Un contributo rigoroso, ricco di esemplificazioni concrete, che fornisce gli strumenti necessari per rispondere in modo intellettualmente onesto alle domande sull'attuazione e sugli effetti delle politiche pubbliche.

Social services

Methods of social research / Kenneth D. Bailey . - 4th ed. - New York : The Free Press, 1994.

A 301.072 BIA MET

An introduction for undergraduates to every stage of sociological research, showing how to deal effectively with typical problems they might encounter. The book is fully updated to include examples from the LA riots and the 1992 presidential elections.

Commerce, communications, transportation

The internet trap : how the digital economy builds monopolies and undermines democracy / Matthew Hindman . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2018.

A 384.334 HIN INT

The internet was supposed to fragment audiences and make media monopolies impossible. Instead, behemoths like Google and Facebook now dominate the time we spend online—and grab all the profits from the attention economy. The Internet Trap explains how this happened. This provocative and timely book sheds light on the stunning rise of the digital giants and the online struggles of nearly everyone else—and reveals what small players can do to survive in a game that is rigged against them. Matthew Hindman shows how seemingly tiny advantages in attracting users can snowball over time. The internet has not reduced the cost of reaching audiences—it has merely shifted who pays and how. Challenging some of the most enduring myths of digital life, Hindman explains why the internet is not the postindustrial technology that has been sold to the public, how it has become mathematically impossible for grad students in a garage to beat Google, and why net neutrality alone is no guarantee of an open internet. He also explains why the challenges for local digital news outlets and other small players are worse than they appear and demonstrates what it really takes to grow a digital audience and stay alive in today’s online economy.

Localising Hollywood / Courtney Brannon Donoghue . - London : BFI Palgrave, 2018.

A 384.830973 DON LOC

Hollywood has a complex relationship with local markets around the world. This critical yet accessible overview of Hollywood's local presence investigates the dynamic between the studios' film entertainment divisions and individual media markets – exploring how their position, partnerships and practices function in an era characterised by globalisation, digitisation and convergence. Engaging with key scholarly and industrial debates, the book incorporates first-hand accounts gathered from extensive fieldwork and research. It addresses a wide range of international operations, from creative partnerships and production strategies to promotional and distribution processes. With a particular focus on Europe and Latin America, the text interrogates earlier notions of a 'global Hollywood' and globalisation, where media conglomerates were viewed as economically rational or all-powerful organisations. By exploring how decision-making processes and creative negotiations between Hollywood media executives and local forces operate, it reveals the complex picture of filmmaking and circulation in today's supposedly globalised and digitised societies.

Language and linguistics

Emotion in discourse / ed. by J. Lachlan Mackenzie, Laura Alba-Juez. - Amsterdam : John Benjamins, 2019.

A 401.41 EMO

Interest in human emotion no longer equates to unscientific speculation. 21st-century humanities scholars are paying serious attention to our capacity to express emotions and giving rigorous explanations of affect in language. We are unquestionably witnessing an ‘emotional turn’ not only in linguistics, but also in other fields of scientific research. Emotion in Discourse follows from and reflects on this scholarly awakening to the world of emotion, and in particular, to its intricate relationship with human language. The book presents both the state of the art and the latest research in an effort to unravel the various workings of the expression of emotion in discourse. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, for emotion is a multifarious phenomenon whose functions in language are enlightened by such other disciplines as psychology, neurology, or communication studies. The volume shows not only how emotion manifests at different linguistic levels, but also how it relates to aspects like linguistic appraisal, emotional intelligence or humor, as well as covering its occurrence in various genres, including scientific discourse. As such, the book contributes to an emerging interdisciplinary field which could be labeled “emotionology”, transcending previous linguistic work and providing an updated characterization of how emotion functions in human discourse.

Il mistero del linguaggio : nuove prospettive / Noam Chomsky ; a cura di Matteo Greco ; introduzione di Andrea Moro . - Milano : Raffaello Cortina, 2018.


Questo libro può essere considerato un compendio aggiornato della rivoluzione che Chomsky ha portato nella linguistica. In particolare, sono qui messe a tema tre domande fondamentali: che cos'è il linguaggio umano? Quali sono le caratteristiche specifiche di questo codice di comunicazione che, a differenza di quello degli altri esseri viventi, permette a qualsiasi persona di ricombinare un insieme limitato di elementi discreti (le parole) generando un insieme potenzialmente infinito di espressioni (le frasi)? È possibile ripercorrerne l'evoluzione, ammesso che di evoluzione sia lecito parlare? Chomsky affronta questi interrogativi attraverso una trattazione, dettagliata ed esauriente ma al contempo sintetica, ricca di notazioni storiche e filosofiche e accessibile a chiunque nutra interesse per la natura e la struttura del linguaggio umano pur senza avere conoscenze tecniche preliminari.


Barron's writing for the TOEFL iBT / Lin Lougheed . - 6th ed. - Hauppaguge : Barron's Educational Series, 2008.

A 428.24 LOU BAR

Updated to reflect the most recent TOEFL iBT exam, this manual prepares students to succeed on the Test of English as a Foreign Language's Independent Task, the all-important essay question, and on the Integrated Task, which combines reading, listening, and writing skills. The author presents a simple three-step program to help students write like a native speaker of English. His coaching entails getting ideas, organizing details, and developing the topic into clear, grammatical written English. He also provides exercises in proof reading and editing to transform the writing for both Tasks into a finished piece. Over 160 model essays and model integrated tasks are included for students to read and analyze. Lectures typical of those presented on actual tests are contained on an audio CD enclosed with the book. Previous editions of this manual were titled How to Prepare for the TOEFL Essay.


Physical origins of time asymmetry / ed. by J.J. Halliwell, J. Pèrez-Mercader, W.H. Zurek . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999.

A 530.11 PHY

Philosophy of physics : space and time / Tim Maudlin . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015.

A 530.11 MAU PHI

This concise book introduces nonphysicists to the core philosophical issues surrounding the nature and structure of space and time, and is also an ideal resource for physicists interested in the conceptual foundations of space-time theory. Tim Maudlin's broad historical overview examines Aristotelian and Newtonian accounts of space and time, and traces how Galileo's conceptions of relativity and space-time led to Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. Maudlin explains special relativity with enough detail to solve concrete physical problems while presenting general relativity in more qualitative terms. Additional topics include the Twins Paradox, the physical aspects of the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction, the constancy of the speed of light, time travel, the direction of time, and more.

Space, time, and spacetime / Lawrence Sklar . - Berkeley : University of California Press, 1977.

A 530.11 SKL SPA

In this book, Lawrence Sklar demonstrates the interdependence of science and philosophy by examining a number of crucial problems on the nature of space and time―problems that require for their resolution the resources of philosophy and of physics. The overall issues explored are our knowledge of the geometry of the world, the existence of spacetime as an entity over and above the material objects of the world, the relation between temporal order and causal order, and the problem of the direction of time. Without neglecting the most subtle philosophical points or the most advanced contributions of contemporary physics, the author has taken pains to make his explorations intelligible to the reader with no advanced training in physics, mathematics, or philosophy. The arguments are set forth step-by-step, beginning from first principles; and the philosophical discussions are supplemented in detail by nontechnical expositions of crucial features of physical theories.

Medicine and health

Leading a surgical revolution : the AO Foundation - Social Entrepreneurs in the Treatment of Bone Trauma / Jean-Pierre Jeannet . - Cham : Springer, 2019.

A 617.47 JEA LEA

This book describes the 60-year history of the AO Foundation and its impact on the treatment of bone trauma. Originally founded by a group of Swiss surgeons, the AO has since established its osteosynthesis treatment approach to trauma, using surgery and implants, as the global standard. The AO successfully convinced the medical community that surgery of bone trauma was superior to the standard conservative treatment using plaster casts. This new technique meant that patients no longer had to spend long weeks at the hospital in traction, and prevented many disabilities. This book describes the struggle with the medical community, explains how the AO surgeons enlisted the support of an entire industry for their advanced tools and their research and teaching efforts, and details the AO’s evolution into a non-profit foundation that now trains more than 50,000 surgeons, on all continents, every year. The efforts of the AO’s affiliated surgeons, undertaken largely on a volunteer basis and with their own financial resources, serve as a stellar example of social entrepreneurship. Today the AO Foundation numbers over 20,000 surgeon members worldwide, and the industry that emerged to produce related implants and tools employs thousands of skilled staff. Professionals in consulting as well as in healthcare can use this book as a source of successful strategies, and as a blueprint for active social entrepreneurship.


Mergers : leadership, performance and corporate health / David Fubini, Colin Price, Maurizio Zollo . - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

A 658.162 FUB MER

Drawing on their own extensive integration experience, the systematic analysis of 167 mergers, and cutting edge academic research, the authors of this book identify the common leadership challenges to be tackled for the achievement of what we call 'corporate health', the most thorough and sustainable test of merger success.

Build, borrow or buy : solving the growth dilemma / Laurence Capron, Will Mitchell . - Boston : Harvard Business Review, 2012.

A 658.4012 CAP BUI

How should you grow your organization? Its one of the most challenging questions an executive team faces and the wrong answer can break your firm. So where do you start? By asking the right questions, argue INSEADs Laurence Capron and coauthor Will Mitchell, of Duke Universitys Fuqua School of Business and the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. Drawing on more than two decades of research and teaching, Capron and Mitchell have found that a firms aptitude for determining the best resource pathways for its growth has a defining impact on its success. Theyve come up with a helpful framework, reflecting practices of a variety of successful global organizations, to help you determine which path is best for yours.

Business-to-business marketing / Ross Brennan, Louise Canning and Raymond McDowell . - 4th ed. - Los Angeles : SAGE, 2017.

A 658.804 BRE BUS

Taking in both European and US approaches to form a balanced, global-minded text and covering both the theory and practice of global business-to-business marketing, the new Fourth Edition: Includes new coverage of digital and social media marketing in the B2B environment, to reflect online developments Is updated to reflect the effects and impact of global changes such as the legally binding deal signed at the Paris Climate Conference (Dec. 2015) Includes new ‘scenario’ boxes which provide reflective decision-based situations for students to think through, helping them prepare for future roles. The book is complimented by a companion website featuring a range of tools and resources for lecturers and students, including PowerPoint slides, tutor guide sample exam questions, SAGE journal articles, quizzes, web links and selected author videos to make the examples in each chapter come to life. Suitable for all students taking B2B marketing modules.

Operations and supply chain management / F. Robert Jacobs, Richard B. Chase . - 15th ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.

A 658.5 JAC OPE

Resourceful companies today must successfully manage the entire supply flow, from the sources of the firm, through the value-added processes of the firm, and on to the customers of the firm. The fifteenth edition of Operations and Supply Chain Management provides well-balanced coverage of managing people and applying sophisticated technology to operations and supply chain management. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.


The art of philosophy : visual thinking in Europe from the late renaissance to the early enlightenment / Susanna Berger . - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2017.

A 700.484 BER ART

Delving into the intersections between artistic images and philosophical knowledge in Europe from the late sixteenth to the early eighteenth centuries, The Art of Philosophy shows that the making and study of visual art functioned as important methods of philosophical thinking and instruction. From frontispieces of books to monumental prints created by philosophers in collaboration with renowned artists, Susanna Berger examines visual representations of philosophy and overturns prevailing assumptions about the limited function of the visual in European intellectual history. Rather than merely illustrating already existing philosophical concepts, visual images generated new knowledge for both Aristotelian thinkers and anti-Aristotelians, such as Descartes and Hobbes. Printmaking and drawing played a decisive role in discoveries that led to a move away from the authority of Aristotle in the seventeenth century. Berger interprets visual art from printed books, student lecture notebooks, alba amicorum (friendship albums), broadsides, and paintings, and examines the work of such artists as Pietro Testa, Léonard Gaultier, Abraham Bosse, Dürer, and Rembrandt. In particular, she focuses on the rise and decline of the "plural image," a genre that was popular among early modern philosophers. Plural images brought multiple images together on the same page, often in order to visualize systems of logic, metaphysics, natural philosophy, or moral philosophy. Featuring previously unpublished prints and drawings from the early modern period and lavish gatefolds, The Art of Philosophy reveals the essential connections between visual commentary and philosophical thought.

New York furioso : Luca Ronconi e quelli dell'Orlando a Bryant Park (1970) / Stefano Tomassini . - Venezia : Marsilio, 2018.

A 792.9 TOM NEW

Il libro documenta e racconta la parte conclusiva della tournée internazionale di uno degli spettacoli più innovativi e festivi della ricerca teatrale italiana: l'Orlando Furioso di Lodovico Ariosto nella riduzione di Edoardo Sanguineti per la regia di Luca Ronconi (Spoleto, 1969). New York, che lo ospitò a partire dal 4 novembre del 1970, avrebbe dovuto essere il punto di partenza per una lunga tournée nelle principali città americane. Invece, fu il punto del suo ultimo compimento. Una pregiudiziale ricezione compromise la sopravvivenza di un'operazione teatrale di grande impegno produttivo. Dopo molte polemiche, la sede per l'Orlando fu individuata in Bryant Park, nel cuore di Manhattan. Una imponente tensostruttura (Bubble Theater) fu costruita appositamente e il debutto poté avere luogo. Lo spettacolo che meglio aveva incarnato il clima politico-culturale successivo al Sessantotto, applaudito a Parigi con il motto del Maggio francese, a New York mancò il suo pubblico. Grazie alla scoperta di tutta la documentazione, in gran parte inedita, è stato possibile ricostruire l'intera vicenda. Sono state ascoltate e raccolte le voci dei protagonisti di allora, per restituire la forza intatta di un'utopia possibile: quella di un teatro popolare ritrovato perché capace di mantenere in comune l'intero immaginario della sua festa.

Il Sacro del Ticino : itinerari d'arte e architettura / a cura di Salvatore Maria Fares, Stefano Zuffi ; con testi di Martina Degl'Innocenti, Micaela Mander . - Ginevra : Éditions d'Art Albert Skira, 2018.

A 726.50949478 SAC

Nello scenario di spettacolari paesaggi lacustri e montani, il Canton Ticino ha saputo creare e mantenere una forte identità culturale intorno all'architettura sacra, che connota in modo inconfondibile il territorio, con una straordinaria densità e una grande varietà di soluzioni. Lungo un arco di 1500 anni si va dall'antichissimo battistero paleocristiano di Riva San Vitale agli edifici sacri contemporanei, passando per la stagione romanica dei maestri comacini e campionesi, per le raffinate presenze rinascimentali, per i sontuosi complessi barocchi di stucchi e affreschi. Molti sono inoltre i capolavori d'arte presenti nelle chiese ticinesi: sculture, dipinti, cicli pittorici, alcuni dei quali davvero eccezionali per rarità e bellezza. Questo volume raccoglie, illustra e documenta il patrimonio architettonico e artistico ticinese, presentando tutti i principali edifici sacri del Cantone, organizzati lungo itinerari territoriali che ne facilitano la visita.

Watch me play : witch and the rise of game live streaming / T.L. Taylor . - Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2018.

A 794.8 TAY WAT

Every day thousands of people broadcast their gaming live to audiences over the internet using popular sites such as Twitch, which reaches more than one hundred million viewers a month. In these new platforms for interactive entertainment, big esports events featuring digital game competitors live stream globally, and audiences can interact with broadcasters—and each other—through chat in real time. What are the ramifications of this exploding online industry? Taking readers inside home studios and backstage at large esports events, Watch Me Play investigates the rise of game live streaming and how it is poised to alter how we understand media and audiences. Through extensive interviews and immersion in this gaming scene, T. L. Taylor delves into the inner workings of the live streaming platform Twitch. From branding to business practices, she shows the pleasures and work involved in this broadcasting activity, as well as the management and governance of game live streaming and its hosting communities. At a time when gaming is being reinvented through social media, the potential of an ever-growing audience is transforming user-generated content and alternative distribution methods. These changes will challenge the meaning of ownership and intellectual property and open the way to new forms of creativity. The first book to explore the online phenomenon Twitch and live streaming games, Watch Me Play offers a vibrant look at the melding of private play and public entertainment

What they didn't teach you in design school / Phil Cleaver . - London : Ilex Press, 2014.

A 741.6023 CLE WHA

With record numbers of design and advertising students graduating into the job market each year, it makes more sense now than ever before to be fully armed to succeed. This book helps new designers make the transition from design school to work, giving them the ammunition they need for a successful start. Here the reader will learn how to get that all-important first job, and how to impress their new employer. They will also have at their fingertips plenty of useful, practical information essential to know in the design studio and when working for clients. Enriched with quotes and advice from some of the best and brightest in the industry, this book is where you will find out what they didn't teach you in design school.

Performing arts

Collateral [Videoregistrazione] / un film di Michael Mann . - [S.l.] : Paramount Home Entertainment, 2004.

G 791.4372 MAN COL

In guerra [Videoregistrazione] / un film di Stéphane Brizé . - [S.l.] : Eagle Pictures, 2018.

G 791.4372 BRI ING

Il laureato [Videoregistrazione] / directed by Mike Nichols . - [S.l.] : Universal Pictures Video, 2015.

G 791.4372 NIC GRA

Il neorealismo : dizionario del cinema italiano / Stelvio Catena . - Perugia : Guerra Edizioni, 2017.

A 791.430945 CAT NEO

Il presente volume non intende porsi come un nuovo studio critico su di uno dei periodi più importanti, se non il più importante in senso assoluto, del cinema italiano, capace di dar vita a un numero considerevole di capolavori che hanno influenzato l'intera cinematografia mondiale successiva al secondo conflitto mondiale, quanto fornire al lettore un agile e, ci auguriamo, interessante manuale per l'interpretazione di quello che può essere definito un vero e proprio fenomeno creativo: il cinema neorealista. Un primo approccio in grado di stimolare l'attenzione per un cinema d'autore che rappresentò uno dei cardini della rinascita culturale di un paese appena uscito dal dramma della guerra e avviato lungo la strada di una faticosa quanto necessaria ricostruzione. Accanto ai profondi significati etici, quella neorealista è una cinematografia che, come attestato nel volume, ha portato significative innovazioni, tanto nella scrittura del film che nelle tecniche e modalità di ripresa, in grado d'influenzare in maniera più o meno evidente una folta schiera di nuovi registi e sceneggiatori.

Positioning art cinema : film and cultural value / Geoff King . - Croydon : I.B. Tauris, 2019.

A 791.43 KIN POS

Art cinema occupies a space in the film landscape that is accorded a particular kind of value. From films that claim the status of harsh realism to others which embody aspects of the tradition of modernism or the poetic, art cinema encompasses a variety of work from across the globe. But how is art cinema positioned in the film marketplace, or by critics and in academic analysis? Exactly what kinds of cultural value are attributed to films of this type and how can this be explained? This book offers a unique analysis of how such processes work, including the broader cultural basis of the appeal of art cinema to particular audiences. Geoff King argues that there is no single definition of art cinema, but a number of distinct and recurrent tendencies are identified. At one end of the spectrum are films accorded the most `heavyweight' status, offering the greatest challenges to viewers. Others mix aspects of art cinema with more accessible dimensions such as uses of popular genre frameworks and `exploitation' elements involving explicit sex and violence. Including case studies of key figures such as Michael Haneke, Pedro Almodovar and Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, this is a crucial contribution to understanding both art cinema itself and the discourses through which its value is established.

Transnational film remakes / ed. by Iain Robert Smith, Constantine Verevis . - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2017.

A 791.436 TRA

What happens when a film is remade in another national context? How do notions of translation, adaptation and localisation help us understand the cultural dynamics of these shifts, and in what ways does a transnational perspective offer us a deeper understanding of film remaking? Bringing together a range of international scholars, Transnational Film Remakes is the first edited collection to specifically focus on the phenomenon of cross-cultural remakes. Using a variety of case studies, from Hong Kong remakes of Japanese cinema to Bollywood remakes of Australian television, this book provides an analysis of cinematic remaking that moves beyond Hollywood to address the truly global nature of this phenomenon. Looking at iconic contemporary titles such as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Oldboy, as well as classics like La Bête Humaine and La Chienne, this book interrogates the fluid and dynamic ways in which texts are adapted and reworked across national borders to provide a distinctive new model for understanding these global cultural borrowings.

Italian literature

Conversazione su Tiresia / Andrea Camilleri . - Palermo : Sellerio, 2019.

A 852.914 CAM CON

«Chiamatemi Tiresia. Per dirla alla maniera dello scrittore Melville, quello di 'Moby Dick'. Oppure Tiresia sono, per dirla alla maniera di qualcun altro. Zeus mi diede la possibilità di vivere sette esistenze e questa è una delle sette. Non posso dirvi quale. Qualcuno di voi di certo avrà visto il mio personaggio su questo stesso palco negli anni passati, ma si trattava di attori che mi interpretavano. Oggi sono venuto di persona perché voglio raccontarvi tutto quello che mi è accaduto nel corso dei secoli e per cercare di mettere un punto fermo nella mia trasposizione da persona a personaggio. Ho trascorso questa mia vita ad inventarmi storie e personaggi, sono stato regista teatrale, televisivo, radiofonico, ho scritto più di cento libri, tradotti in tante lingue e di discreto successo. L'invenzione più felice è stata quella di un commissario. Da quando Zeus, o chi ne fa le veci, ha deciso di togliermi di nuovo la vista, questa volta a novant'anni, ho sentito l'urgenza di riuscire a capire cosa sia l'eternità e solo venendo qui posso intuirla. Solo su queste pietre eterne». La "Conversazione su Tiresia" scritta e interpretata da Andrea Camilleri è stata messa in scena per la prima volta al Teatro Greco di Siracusa i giugno 2018 nell'ambito delle rappresentazioni classiche realizzate dall'Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico.

Guida alla lettura della Gerusalemme liberata di Tasso / Emilio Russo . - Bari : Laterza, 2014.

A 851.4 RUS GUI

La struttura, i personaggi, gli episodi più significativi e il valore di passaggio cruciale all'interno della cultura italiana del Rinascimento della "Gerusalemme liberata". Dagli esordi carichi di speranze del Tasso dei primi anni Sessanta del Cinquecento all'ostinazione nel riscrivere il poema durante gli ultimi anni di vita, fino alla stampa della "Gerusalemme conquistata", attraverso tutte le fasi della composizione dell'opera. Passo dopo passo, sono illustrate le scelte narrative del poema in venti canti della conquista di "Gerusalemme" e analizzati i personaggi principali: da Goffredo a Rinaldo, dagli eroi pagani alle figure femminili. Con uno sguardo d'insieme, gli ultimi capitoli sono dedicati ad alcuni temi decisivi e agli elementi espressivi che fanno della Gerusalemme liberata il capolavoro della letteratura italiana del Cinquecento.

Pasquillus extaticus e Pasquino in estasi / Celio Secondo Curione ; edizione storico-critica commentata a cura di Giovanna Cordibella e Stefano Prandi . - Firenze : Olschki, 2018.

A 858.4 CUR PAS

Il Pasquillus extaticus di Celio Secondo Curione (Pasquino in estasi nella sua versione italia-na) è una delle più significative e influenti opere della dissidenza religiosa nel Cinquecento. La presente edizione, ricostruendo sulla base di nuovi documenti una vicenda editoriale par-ticolarmente intricata, mette per la prima volta a disposizione del lettore il testo critico della prima redazione latina e volgare del dialogo, fornendo un apparato di varianti e un articolato commento.

Protagonisti nel Novecento : incontri, ritratti da vicino, aneddoti / Vittore Branca . - Torino : Aragno, 2004.

A 858.91408 BRA PRO

"Siamo nani sulle spalle di giganti", mi è venuto da ripetere con Bernardo di Chartres, rileggendo quei miei elzeviri-incontri con protagonisti nella vita politica e religiosa, sociale e culturale di tre continenti nell'ultimo secolo (oggi tutti ormai scomparsi eccetto Giovanni Paolo II). La mia piccolezza contribuisce, mi pare, a far grandeggiare - anche nell'episodio e nell'aneddoto - la loro importanza nella e per la vita del Novecento. Una vita alla quale io ho partecipato molto modestamente (come ricordano le ultime pagine), operando lungo settant'anni, nella ricerca di verità e di libertà: una ricerca che quei maestri e protagonisti avevano posto generosamente come fine ideale della loro vita e della loro azione.

Un uomo fratello : Carteggio (1937-1982) / Vittorio Sereni, Carlo Betocchi ; a cura di Bianca Bianchi ; introduzione di Clelia Martignoni . - Milano : Mimesis, 2018.

A 856.914 SER UOM

Documento di una profonda solidarietà umana e intellettuale, il carteggio fra Vittorio Sereni e Carlo Betocchi illumina di nuovi riflessi il dibattito sul fare poesia in Italia negli anni del secondo conflitto mondiale e della ricostruzione. Lo scambio epistolare inizia difatti alla fine degli anni Trenta, quando Betocchi favorisce l'esordio di Sereni su «Frontespizio», e si sviluppa pressoché ininterrottamente fino al tempo della sua piena maturità e della sua definitiva affermazione, chiudendosi solo in seguito alla prematura scomparsa del poeta luinese avvenuta nel 1983. Introduzione di Clelia Martignoni.

Verso l'empireo : stazioni lungo la verticale dantesca / Sergio Cristaldi . - Acireale : Bonanno, 2013.

A 851.1 CRI VER

Al mondo dantesco, questi saggi si avvicinano abbordando scorci diversi: gli scismatici orribilmente mutilati, l'ambiziosa riscrittura dell'Apocalisse, il consuntivo sulla superbia e la sua pretesa, la riedizione per frammenti dei salmi biblici, l'Empireo filosofico e teologico. Sono approcci in chiave di fenomenologia, sollecitati ogni volta da una sporgenza particolare di una densissima produzione, senza una griglia precostituita di parametri, un'idea a priori del poeta, dei suoi principi e percorsi. Non si vuole insinuare, con questa procedura, che ritrarre Dante secondo un'ipotesi comprensiva sia divenuto oggi impossibile, il tentativo è semmai di accogliere, al netto di pregiudizi, la sfida lanciata dai testi, il loro provocatorio impatto. È da questo incontro non pianificato con pagine sempre sorprendenti, per lo sdegno e la nostalgia, la dottrina e gli struggimenti, che può eventualmente ripartire la costruzione globale, tuttora auspicabile, se non necessaria.

Geography and history

The Cambridge companion to the Roman Republic / ed. by Harriet I. Flower . - 2nd ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014.

A 937.02 CAM

Peter von Zittau : Abt, Diplomat und Chronist der Luxemburger / Běla Marani-Moravová . - Ostfildern : Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2019.

A 943.71022 MAR PET

1278, 1306 und 1310 – die drei Jahreszahlen stehen für den Tod P?emysl Otakars II. am Marchfeld, die Ermordung Wenzels III. in Olmütz und die Erhebung Johanns von Luxemburg zum König von Böhmen. Diese Ereignisse waren wegweisend für die Geschicke Böhmens anfangs des 14. Jahrhunderts und wurden von Peter von Zittau, dem Abt von Königsaal und Verfasser der gleichnamigen Chronik, ausführlich beschrieben. Die vorliegende Publikation stellt das in der Historiographie als Königsaaler Chronik bekannte Werk und dessen Autor in den Mittelpunkt und analysiert das darin festgehaltene Bild der Herrscher, Adligen, Geistlichen und Bürger. Besonders Peters von Zittau moralische – oft in Versform verfassten – Unterweisungen an den Herrscher, seine Quellen, Netzwerke und Beobachtungen zeugen von einem außerordentlich gebildeten Chronisten.

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