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Università della Svizzera italiana University Library Lugano

University Library Lugano

Dettagli ricerca: Keyword = Humanities
Result: 9 records
  • Aristoteles Latinus Database (ALD)

    Aristoteles Latinus Database (ALD) is the online version of the complete corpus of medieval translations of the works of Aristotle, as published in 25 volumes print version. These texts constituted the main tools for the study of science and philosophy in the Middle Ages. The database is updated regularly with new material. Search language: English, French, German and Italian.

    Keywords: humanities, medieval history, philosophy


    JSTOR provides access to the full text of over 12 million documents, including journal articles, books, images, and primary sources, from the earliest editions to the most recent ones. The access is subject to a varying "moving wall" for each publication, which is continuously updated. The scope of content covers a wide range of disciplines (75 subjects). Via the library, users havecan explore the entire digital archive: the 15 Arts & Sciences Collections (I-XV), Biological Sciences, the 4 Business Collections (I-IV), Ecology & Botany, Health & General Sciences, Language & Literature, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Mathematics & Statistics, Museum Collection, Sustainability.

    Keywords: arts, culture, education, humanities, legal science, literature, medical science, natural and applied sciences, religion

  • Library of Latin Texts – Series A

    Contains the full text of more than 3000 works of approximately 950 authors, from classical antiquity to the modern era. It includes the opera omnia of Plautus, Terence, Cicero (from Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina), as well as the complete works of the patristic writers and other medieval authors (from the Corpus Christianorum series), and the neo-Latin literature (including the modern ecumenical church councils up to Vatican II). Updated continuously. Search languages: Italian, English, French, German.

    Keywords: humanities, literature, medieval history, religion

  • Library of Latin Texts – Series B

    Supplements the Library of Latin Text – Series A. It contains Latin texts of all genres and all periods, including chronicles, legal texts etc. Material is taken directly from existing editions, without the benefits from CTLO research work (Centre Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium at the Université Catholique de Louvain). Updated continuously. Search languages: Italian, English, French, German.

    Keywords: humanities, literature, medieval history, philosophy, religion

  • ScienceDirect

    ScienceDirect provides access to the Elsevier publications, that include books, book series, journals, reference works, images. The university library subscribes to the full text of journals in the Economics and the Social Sciences collections and to the back files of the Business, Management and Accounting, Economics, Econometrics and Finance collections. Updated continuously. Search language: English.

    Keywords: humanities, medical science, natural and applied sciences

  • Scopus

    Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in sciences, technology, medicine as well as social sciences and arts and humanities. The database is continuously updated and contains records from over 36000 journal titles, including 21950 peer-reviewed journals and over 3600 full open access journals. Scopus indexes 280 trade publications, more than 560 book series, 150000 books, over 8 million conference papers and 39 million patent records from five patent offices.

    Keywords: arts, humanities, medical science, social sciences, technology

  • Springer LINK

    Springer LINK provides access to the Springer publications, that include books, book series, journals, protocols and reference works. The university library subscribes to the full text of the journals starting from 1997 and to the abstracts starting from 1994. Updated continuously. Search language: English, German.

    Keywords: humanities, medical science, natural and applied sciences

  • Web of Science

    Integrated platform providing access to the Web of Science bibliographic databases: Science Citation Index Expanded (starting from 1900), Social Science Citation Index (starting from 1956), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (starting from 1975). Web of Knowledge offers other essential search tools such as the Journal Citation Reports and, that provide authors’ curricula and publications. Updated weekly. Search language: English.

    Keywords: humanities, medical science, natural and applied sciences

  • Wiley Online Library

    Wiley Online Library provides access to the Wiley publications, that include books, book series, journals, reference works. The university library subscribes to the full text of about 600 scientific journals in the field of the social sciences. Updated continuously. Search language: English.

    Keywords: humanities, medical science, natural and applied sciences, social sciences