Arkyves is a database, treasure trove and toolbox for those interested in the History of Culture. It is a single access point for thematic searches across a wide variety of cultural heritage collections, contributed by partners like the Dutch Rijksmuseum, the Netherlands Institute for Art History, the Herzog August Bibliothek, and the university libraries of Milan, Utrecht, Glasgow, and Illinois. Very rich, but standardized subject information is offered as all collections share the use of ICONCLASS, the most widely accepted multilingual classification system for cultural content. Search language: English.
Keywords: arts, culture, history
Art & Architecture Source
Bibliographic database covering fine, decorative and commercial art as well as museology, photography and film. It includes more than 750 full-text journals, nearly 220 full-text books, detailed indexing and abstracts for many leading academic journals, magazines and trade publications, a collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and other sources and dissertations records. Art & Architecture Source includes periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch and is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers. Coverage dating back to 1914. Search language: English.
Keywords: architecture, arts, design, painting, sculpture, television
Art Index Retrospective
Bibliographic database covering fine, decorative and commercial art. It indexes and abstracts over 600 journals published between 1929 and 1984, including book reviews, interviews and reports. Search language: English.
Keywords: arts, fine arts, visual arts
Art Museum Image Gallery (AMIG)
Contains over 165000 art images (paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs ecc.) covering a broad range of time and place. It draws on collections of museums from all the world (Louvre, Prado, British Museum ecc.). Each image is accurately described. Updated irregularly. Search language: English.
Keywords: arts, museum, painting, visual arts
Digital library that provides over 1.6 million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences, with contributions from international museums and archives. The collections offers a suite of software tools for teaching and research. Search language: English.
Keywords: arts, education, natural and applied sciences, social sciences, teaching
Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI)
Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI) covers a wide range of disciplines concerning art and design, including industrial design, architecture, interior design, environment, Web design, ceramics, glass, jewellery, fashion and clothing, textiles, product design, industrial design, typography etc. The database contains more than 212000 records for articles, news items, and reviews published in design and applied arts periodicals from 1973 onwards. Updated monthly. Search language: English.
Keywords: architecture, arts, fine arts, product design
International Bibliography of Art (IBA)
Bibliographic database devoted to the history of art. It indexes over 500 international journals, covering European art from late antiquity to the present, American art from the colonial era to the present and global art since 1945. Updated with about 25000 new titles every year. Search language: English.
Keywords: archaeology, arts, museum
JSTOR provides access to the full text of over 12 million documents, including journal articles, books, images, and primary sources, from the earliest editions to the most recent ones. The access is subject to a varying "moving wall" for each publication, which is continuously updated. The scope of content covers a wide range of disciplines (75 subjects). Via the library, users havecan explore the entire digital archive: the 15 Arts & Sciences Collections (I-XV), Biological Sciences, the 4 Business Collections (I-IV), Ecology & Botany, Health & General Sciences, Language & Literature, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Mathematics & Statistics, Museum Collection, Sustainability.
Keywords: arts, culture, education, humanities, legal science, literature, medical science, natural and applied sciences, religion
MLA International Bibliography (Ebsco)
Created by the Modern Language Association of America, MLA is the leading bibliography on modern languages and literatures, linguistics and folklore. It indexes and abstracts more than 6000 journals and series, includes 1200 book publishers, more than 2.7 million citations, starting from 1926. Coverage is international and includes titles and full-text links from online publishers including JSTOR, Project MUSE, Wiley-Blackwell and Taylor & Francis. Search language: English.
Keywords: arts, culture, language, linguistics, literature
Created by the Institute of Art History at the University of Cologne, this digital library provides integrated access to over 1 million images from 74 archives. It focuses on history, culture and arts and offers tools for teaching and research. Search languages: English and German.
Keywords: archaeology, architecture, arts, history, religion, visual arts
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in sciences, technology, medicine as well as social sciences and arts and humanities. The database is continuously updated and contains records from over 36000 journal titles, including 21950 peer-reviewed journals and over 3600 full open access journals. Scopus indexes 280 trade publications, more than 560 book series, 150000 books, over 8 million conference papers and 39 million patent records from five patent offices.
Keywords: arts, humanities, medical science, social sciences, technology