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Università della Svizzera italiana University Library Lugano

University Library Lugano

Dettagli ricerca: Keyword = case law
Result: 4 records
  • Legalis

    Legalis is the research platform of the publisher Helbing Lichtenhahn. The core element of the database consists of the Basler Kommentare and Commentaires romands, accompanied by the other tools for the various branches of law: law texts, case law, journals, theses and specialised manuals, including some publications by the publishers DIKE, C.H.Beck and Nomos.

    Keywords: case law, legal science, legislation

  • Raccolta delle leggi del Cantone Ticino

    The compendium of laws of the Canton of Ticino has been online since 1999 and is partly freely accessible. The library subscription version gives access to the following supplementary contents: Legislative texts - previous versions (since 2013), Legislative texts - messages, Legislative texts - jurisprudence, Rivista ticinese di Diritto (since 2004), Rivista di diritto amministrativo e tributario ticinese (2000-2003), Collection of tenancy jurisprudence (since 1991).

    Keywords: case law, legal science, legislation

    For full access to the platform, please contact the Reference service

  • Swisslex

    Law database that provides access to over 410000 full-text-documents, including the collection of federal and cantonal court rulings, over 60 law journals, 187 commentaries (among which the Berner and the Zürcher Kommentar), over 1000 miscellaneous works (theses, collections, conference proceedings, 350 books published by the major Swiss publishers in the field). It includes a trilingual thesaurus. Search languages: German, French, Italian.

    Keywords: case law, constitutional law, European Union (EU) law, judicial proceedings, legal science, legislation, private law, public law

  • Weblaw

    Swiss law database that offers several search tools for jurists, lawyers and law students. It includes the search engine Lawsearch and the Federal  Court rulings push service. Weblaw provides access to Jusletter and Justice=Justiz=Giustizia magazines. Search languages: German, French.

    Keywords: case law, constitutional law, judicial proceedings, legal science, legislation, private law, public law