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Università della Svizzera italiana University Library Lugano

University Library Lugano

Dettagli ricerca: Keyword = health policy
Result: 3 records

    Bibliographic database in the field of nursing and health sciences. It indexes over 3000 journals starting from 1983, 70 of which available in full text, as well as books, theses, conference proceedings, legal cases, standards and clinical trials. Updated monthly. Search language: English.

    Keywords: biology, health care profession, health policy, medical research, medicine, pharmacology

  • Cochrane Library

    A collection of 6 full text databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making: Database of Systematic Reviews, Central Register of Controlled Trials, Methodology Register, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Health Technology Assessment Database and NHS Economic Evaluation Database. Updated continuously. Search language: English.

    Keywords: health care profession, health policy, medical research, medical science, medicine

  • Medline Ultimate

    Created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, this database, a primary component of Pubmed, contains over 31 million records from more than 5000 journals in 40 languages, published from 1966 to the present. Medline's area of specialisation is biomedicine and health sciences, including behavioural science, biology, chemistry and bioengineering, for practitioners, researchers and educators working in the clinical and public health sectors.
    The ‘Ultimate’ version includes access to over 2,400 peer-reviewed journals in full-text (half of which are embargo-free). Continuously updated.

    Keywords: biology, health care profession, health policy, medical research, medical science, pharmacology