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Università della Svizzera italiana University Library Lugano

University Library Lugano

Dettagli ricerca: Keyword = education
Result: 4 records
  • ARTstor

    Digital library that provides over 1.6 million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences, with contributions from international museums and archives. The collections offers a suite of software tools for teaching and research. Search language: English.  

    Keywords: arts, education, natural and applied sciences, social sciences, teaching

  • ERIC

    Sponsored by the US Department of Education, ERIC provides access to a wealth of educational literature. It indexes over 600 journals and offers full access to more than 400000 documents drawn from the grey literature, such as conference papers, institutional reports, theses etc. Updated monthly. Search language: English.

    Keywords: behavioural sciences, education, education policy, teaching, teaching method


    JSTOR provides access to the full text of over 12 million documents, including journal articles, books, images, and primary sources, from the earliest editions to the most recent ones. The access is subject to a varying "moving wall" for each publication, which is continuously updated. The scope of content covers a wide range of disciplines (75 subjects). Via the library, users havecan explore the entire digital archive: the 15 Arts & Sciences Collections (I-XV), Biological Sciences, the 4 Business Collections (I-IV), Ecology & Botany, Health & General Sciences, Language & Literature, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Mathematics & Statistics, Museum Collection, Sustainability.

    Keywords: arts, culture, education, humanities, legal science, literature, medical science, natural and applied sciences, religion

  • Teacher Reference Center

    Teacher Reference Center indexes over 280 journals in the field of teaching. Topics covered include continuing education, pedagogical research, instructional media etc. Search language: English.

    Keywords: education, education policy, teaching, teaching method, vocational education