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Università della Svizzera italiana University Library Lugano

University Library Lugano

Dettagli ricerca: Keyword = economic development
Result: 2 records
  • EconLit

    Bibliographic database in the field of economics. Created by the American Economic Association, it indexes over 1000 journals starting from 1886, books, conference proceedings, PhD dissertations (from 1987) and working papers, in partnership with RePEc. It provides abstracts (from 1987), citations and descriptors. The Journal of Economic Literature reviews are available in full text. Updated monthly. Search language: English.

    Keywords: economic development, economic policy, economics, financial management, monetary policy

  • NBER Working Papers

    It provides access to the publications by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a US private not-for-profit organization. The university library subscribes to the NBER working papers starting from 1976. The papers cover a wide range of disciplines in the fields of economics, finance, health and education. Search language: English.

    Keywords: business administration, Company structure, economic development, economics, financial management, international finance, monetary policy