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Università della Svizzera italiana University Library Lugano

University Library Lugano

Dettagli ricerca: Keyword = Visual arts
Result: 5 records
  • Art Index Retrospective

    Bibliographic database covering fine, decorative and commercial art. It indexes and abstracts over 600 journals published between 1929 and 1984, including book reviews, interviews and reports. Search language: English.

    Keywords: arts, fine arts, visual arts

  • Art Museum Image Gallery (AMIG)

    Contains over 165000 art images (paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs ecc.) covering a broad range of time and place. It draws on collections of museums from all the world (Louvre, Prado, British Museum ecc.). Each image is accurately described. Updated irregularly. Search language: English. 

    Keywords: arts, museum, painting, visual arts

  • ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM)

    ABM is one of the primary resources for the modern and contemporary art. It provides abstracts and indexes starting from 1974 to the present, drawing on journals, books, exhibitions catalogues and dissertations. Updated six times a year. Search language: English.

    Keywords: performing arts, popular art, visual arts

  • Britannica ImageQuest

    Britannica ImageQuest gives access to over 3 million images from 62 leading collections, provided by trusted sources such as The Bridgeman Art Gallery, Getty Images, the Science Photo Library, Ingram Publishing, the National Geographic Society. Images are completed with citation metadata and are all rights-cleared for educational, non-commercial use. Search language: English

    Keywords: graphic illustration, photograph, visual arts

  • Prometheus

    Created by the Institute of Art History at the University of Cologne, this digital library provides integrated access to over 1 million images from 74 archives. It focuses on history, culture and arts and offers tools for teaching and research. Search languages: English and German. 

    Keywords: archaeology, architecture, arts, history, religion, visual arts