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Università della Svizzera italiana University Library Lugano

University Library Lugano

Access to the library and to the documents

Access to the Library is free and open to all, USI members and general public alike.

Most collections, except from those held in closed stack and non-paper media, are on open shelves, arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification.

Patrons can freely access the shelves in order to consult or borrow materials.

The Library is equipped with an anti-theft system.


Sorting and location of document

The collections are arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification indexes (DDC).
The letters that precede the DDC index in the call number (or the number of input materials in closed stack) define the type of documents and their different physical location.






A Monographs 1st, 2nd, 3rd level YES 28 days
B Monographs 1st, 2nd, 3rd level YES NO
C* Journals 3rd level YES NO
D* Yearbooks 3rd level YES NO
F Fondo Carbone 5th level NO NO
FSCMH Fondo Sasso Corbaro Bellinzona NO Yes **
G CD-Rom and DVD Reference office NO 7 days
H Monographs 1st, 2nd, 3rd level YES 14 days
M Monographs
Closed stacks
NO 28 days
Per* Journals Archive NO NO
Q Newspapers 3rd level YES NO
R Fogli sciolti
Closed stacks
T Thesis Archive NO NO
X E-book online Online - -

* Yearbooks and journals for the past five years are available on the shelf (current year and past four years).

** Please, send a request to [email protected]    


Dewey Decimal Classification indexes (DDC)


000 Computer science, information and general works 

001 Knowledge

002 The book

003 Systems

004 Data processing and computer science

005 Computer programming, programs & data

006 Special computer methods

010 Bibliographies

020 Library and information sciences

030 Encyclopedias and books of facts

070 News media, journalism and publishing




100 Philosophy & psychology

110 Metaphysics

120 Epistemology, causation & humankind

140 Specific philosophical schools

150 Psychology

160 Logic

170 Ethics

180 Ancient, medieval & eastern philosophy

190 Modern western philosophy




200 Religion

210 Philosophy & theory of religion

220 Bible

230 Christianity & Christian theology

240 Christian moral & devotional theology

250 Christian orders & local church

260 Social & ecclesiastical theology

270 History of Christianity & Christian church

280 Christian denominations & sects

290 Other religions




300 Social sciences

301 Sociology & anthropology

302 Social interaction

303 Social processes

304 Factors affecting social behavior

305 Social groups

306 Culture & institutions

307 Communities

310 Collections of general statistics

320 Political science

                    321 Systems of governments & states

322 Relation of state to organized groups

323 Civil & political rights

324 The political process

325 International migration & colonization

327 International relations

328 The legislative process

330 Economics

331 Labor economics

332 Financial economics

333 Economics of land & energy

334 Cooperatives

335 Socialism & related systems

336 Public finance

337 International economics

338 Production

339 Macroeconomics & related topics

340 Law

341 Law of nations

342 Constitutional & administrative law

343 Military, tax, trade & industrial law

344 Labor, social, education & cultural law

345 Criminal law

346 Private law

349 Law of specific jurisdictions & areas

350 Public administration & military science

351 Public administration

352 General considerations of public administration

354 Administration of economy & environment

355 Military science

360 Social problems & services; associations

361 Social problems and social welfare in general

362 Social welfare problems & services

363 Other social problems & services

364 Criminology

365 Penal & related institutions

368 Insurance

370 Education

371 Schools & their activities; special education

374 Adult education

378 Higher education

379 Public policy issues in education

380 Commerce, communications & transportation

381 Commerce

382 International commerce

383 Postal communication

384 Communications; telecommunication

385 Railroad transportation

386 Inland waterway & ferry transportation

387 Water, air & space transportation

388 Transportation; ground transportation

389 Metrology & standardization

390 Customs, etiquette & folklore




400 Language

410 Linguistics

420 English & Old English

430 Germanic languages; German

440 Romance languages; French

450 Italian, Romanian & related languages

460 Spanish & Portuguese languages

470 Italic languages; Latin

490 Other languages




500 Natural sciences & mathematics

510 Mathematics

520 Astronomy & allied sciences

530 Physics

550 Earth sciences

570 Life sciences; biology




600 Technology

610 Medicine & health

620 Engineering & allied operations

630 Agriculture & related technologies

640 Home & family management

650 Management & auxiliary services

657 Accounting

658 General management

659 Advertising & public relations

660 Chemical engineering

670 Manufacturing

680 Manufacture for specific usesusi

690 Buildings




700 The arts; fine & decorative arts

710 Civic & landscape art

720 Architecture

740 Drawing & decorative arts

750 Painting & paintings

760 Graphic arts; printmaking & prints

770 Photography, photographs & computer art

780 Music

790 Recreational & performing arts



800 Literature & rhetoric

810 American literature in English

820 English & Old English literatures

830 Literatures of Germanic languages

840 Literatures of Romance languages

850 Italian, Romanian & related literatures

860 Spanish & Portuguese literatures

870 Italic literatures; Latin literature

880 Hellenic literatures; classical Greek

890 Literatures of other languages




900 History & geography

910 Geography & travel

920 Biography, genealogy & insignia

930 History of ancient world to ca. 499

940 History of Europe

950 History of Asia; Far East

960 History of Africa

970 History of North America

980 History of South America

990 History of other areas