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Recent acquisitions August 2020

Library and information science

Making archives in early modern Europe : proof, information and political record-keeping, 1400-1700 / Randolph C. Head . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019.

A 027.5094 HEA MAK

European states were overwhelmed with information around 1500. Their agents sought to organize their overflowing archives to provide trustworthy evidence and comprehensive knowledge that was useful in the everyday exercise of power. This detailed comparative study explores cases from Lisbon to Vienna to Berlin in order to understand how changing information technologies and ambitious programs of state-building challenged record-keepers to find new ways to organize and access the information in their archives. From the intriguing details of how clerks invented new ways to index and catalog the expanding world to the evolution of new perspectives on knowledge and power among philologists and historians, this book provides illuminating vignettes and revealing comparisons about a core technology of governance in early modern Europe. Enhanced by perspectives from the history of knowledge and from archival science, this wide-ranging study explores the potential and the limitations of knowledge management as media technologies evolved.

Journalism, publishing

La cronaca giudiziaria ticinese : sguardi comunicativi, giuridici e metodologici / Davide Cerutti, Francesco Lepori ; con contributi di Bertil Cottier . - Basilea : Helbing Lichtenhahn, 2020.

A 070.449345 CER CRO

La giustizia e il cittadino. Il diritto penale e l interesse che il pubblico, anche in Ticino, mostra da sempre per i casi apparsi sulla stampa. Già, la stampa. Cos è la cronaca giudiziaria? Come funziona quel ponte che collega i due mondi? E soprattutto, quanto è affidabile? Il giurista Da-vide Cerutti e il giornalista Francesco Lepori hanno unito gli sguardi nel tentativo di tracciare un quadro della situazione. Con un paziente lavoro di monitoraggio, i due autori hanno esaminato contesto, dinamiche, er-rori e tendenze. Il risultato dello studio, accompagnato da tre contributi di esperti in materia, non è confortante. Fattori come la crisi dell editoria e la velocità dei nuovi media hanno acuito i problemi emersi in passato, compromettendo ulteriormente la qualità dell informazione. Il ponte è fragile, il suo risanamento più che mai urgente.

Digital whistleblowing platforms in journalism : encrypting leaks / Philip Di Salvo . - London : Plagrave, 2020.

A 070.431 DIS DIG

This book analyzes whistleblowing platforms and the adoption of encryption tools in journalism. Whistleblowing platforms are becoming an important phenomenon for journalism in this era and offer safer solutions for communicating with whistleblowers and obtaining leaks. WikiLeaks and the Snowden case have been powerful game changers for today’s journalism, showing the potentials of and needs for encryption for journalistic purposes, together with the perils of surveillance. Whistleblowing platforms are also an interesting example of journalists and hackers coming together to support investigations with new tools and practices. The book introduces this phenomenon and features a qualitative study about whistleblowing platforms and their adoption in the journalistic field.

Philosophy and psychology

Models of thought / Herbert A. Simon . - New Haven : Yale University Press, 1979.

A 153.4 SIM MOD

The logic of the history of ideas / Mark Bevir . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002.

A 121.4 BEV LOG

Human cultures generate meanings, and the history of ideas, broadly conceived, is the study of these meanings. An adequate theory of culture must therefore rest on a suitable philosophical enquiry into the nature of the history of ideas. Mark Bevir's book explores the forms of reasoning appropriate to the history of ideas, enhancing our understanding by grappling with central questions such as: What is a meaning? What constitutes objective knowledge of the past? What are beliefs and traditions? How can we explain why people held the beliefs they did? The book ranges widely over issues and theorists associated with post-analytic philosophy, post-modernism, hermeneutics, literary theory, political thought, and social theory.

Matteo D'Acquasparta vs Tommaso D'Aquino : il dibattito teologico-filosofico nelle Quaestiones de anima / Leonardo Cappelletti . - Roma : Aracne, 2011.

A 128.1 CAP MAT

A partire dagli anni Sessanta del XIII secolo, le riflessioni intorno alla natura dell'anima umana costituirono, fino alla fine del 1200, uno degli argomenti filosofici più significativi: intorno a esse si scontrarono le maggiori correnti di pensiero del tempo, quella dei domenicani da una parte e quella dei francescani dall'altra. Proprio quest'ultima mise in atto un vero e proprio "piano d'attacco" la cui strategia consisteva essenzialmente nell'identificare la dottrina dell'anima di Tommaso d'Aquino con quella dell'eretico Averroè e di coloro che ne seguivano l'insegnamento professandolo addirittura nelle scuole di Parigi. Il dibattito che prese vita da questa accusa coinvolse l'"oggetto" anima in ogni suo aspetto sia filosofico che teologico, dalla sua unione al corpo in qualità di forma sostanziale al suo statuto ontologico-operativo nei regni dell'Oltretomba. Il presente studio analizza le tappe fondamentali di quest'ampia polemica alla luce della speculazione del filosofo francescano Matteo d'Acquasparta che, con singolare spirito critico, si confrontò con il celebre Tommaso elaborando una teoria sorprendentemente originale.

The metaphysics of quantities / J. E. Wolff . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020.

A 119 WOL

What are physical quantities, and in particular, what makes them quantitative? This book articulates and defends an original answer to this important, insufficiently understood question through the novel position of substantival structuralism. This position argues that quantitativeness is an irreducible feature of attributes, and quantitative attributes are best understood as substantival structured spaces. The book first explores what it means for an attribute to be quantitative, and what metaphysical implications a commitment to quantitative attributes has. It then sets the stage to address the metaphysical and ontological consequences of the existence of quantitative attributes.


Amore e compassione : l'esperienza di Angela da Foligno / Roberto Fusco . - Roma : Istituto storico dei Cappucini, 2001.

A 248.22092 FUS AMO

Il tempo e la Chiesa nel settecento / Enrico Bini . - Siena : Cantagalli, 2020.

A 270.7 BIN TEM

La teologia in ascolto dell'umano : prospettive di ricerca / a cura di Antonio Terracciano, Antonio Ascione . - Napoli : Pontificia facoltà teologica dell'Italia meridionale, 2020.

A 230.01 TEO

Verso Gerusalemme / Carlo Maria Martini . - Milano : Feltrinelli, 2004.

A 263.0425694 MAR VER

Il Cardinale Carlo Maria Martini ha lasciato, dopo più di vent'anni, l'Arcidiocesi di Milano e scelto Gerusalemme come "meta definitiva di un cammino". Una scelta che Martini ha maturato attraverso un complesso percorso spirituale, culturale ed esistenziale e che, nell'attuale clima di lacerazione e conflitto, appare ancora più significativa. Questo volume rende testimonianza di questo "cammino" e offre una riflessione sulla Gerusalemme simbolica e sulla Gerusalemme storica, sui rapporti tra ebraismo e cristianesimo e sul tema fondante della pace.

Social sciences

Combatting modern slavery : why labour governance is failing and what we can do about it / Genevieve LeBaron . - London : Polity Press, 2020.

A 306.362 LEB COM

Over the last decade, the world’s largest corporations – from The Coca Cola Company to Amazon, Apple to Unilever – have taken up the cause of combatting modern slavery. Yet, by most measures, across many sectors and regions, severe labour exploitation continues to soar. Corporate social responsibility is not working. Why? In this landmark book, Genevieve LeBaron lifts the lid on a labour governance regime that is severely flawed and limited. She takes a close-up look at the millions of corporate dollars spent on anti-slavery networks, NGO partnerships, lobbying for new transparency legislation, and investment in social auditing and ethical certification schemes, to show how such efforts serve to bolster corporate growth and legitimacy as well as government reputations, whilst failing to protect the world’s most vulnerable workers. To eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking in global supply chains a new approach is needed; one that confronts corporate power and profits, dismantles exploitative business models, and regulates the booming private industry of accounting firms, social auditors, and consultants that has emerged to ‘monitor’ and ‘enforce’ labour standards. Only worker-driven initiatives that uphold fundamental rights can protect workers in the contemporary global economy and make forced labour a thing of the past.

Embodied activities in face-to-face and mediated settings : social encounters in time and space / Elisabeth Reber, Cornelia Gerhardt . - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

A 306.44 EMB

This edited book revisits the concept of social ‘activities’ from an interactional perspective, examining how verbal, vocal, visual-spatial and material resources are deployed by participants for meaning-making in social encounters. The eleven original chapters within this volume analyse activities based on video recordings of naturalistic and naturally occurring social encounters from face-to-face and mediated settings in Chinese, Dutch, English, French, and German. Informed primarily by the methodological approaches of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, the authors study embodiment in space and time in three distinct types of situations: objects in space, complex participation frameworks, and affiliation and alignment. Moreover, the book includes a theoretical and methodological discussion of how activities are constituted and visibly embodied in interaction. It will be of interest to students and scholars in sociology and linguistics in general, and face-to-face and mediated interaction in particular.

I gemelli nel Medioevo : questioni filosofiche, mediche e teologiche / Gabriella Zuccolin . - Como : Ibis, 2019.

A 306.875 ZUC GEM

Nelle ricerche contemporanee, i gemelli offrono un punto di vista privilegiato per provare a tracciare una possibile linea di demarcazione tra ciò che dipende dalla “natura” (dal patrimonio genetico) e ciò che è invece prodotto dalle condizioni ambientali e socio-culturali. Ma già nel Medioevo i gemelli avevano attirato l’attenzione di medici e maestri universitari per la possibilità di avvalersene come banco di prova per i propri modelli teorici. Il volume si propone una prima ricognizione dei dibattiti medievali sui gemelli, tenendo conto dell’intersezione tra istanze epistemologiche diverse: mediche, morali, filosofiche e teologiche. I gemelli permettono in effetti ai medievali non solo di ripensare le teorie sulla generazione umana ereditate dal mondo greco-romano, ma anche di valutare le pretese scientifiche di discipline come la fisiognomica e l’astrologia, di indagare il modo in cui la grazia diversifica la natura, e di testare (soprattutto attraverso la teratologia e i casi di gemelli congiunti) una serie di ipotesi sull’irripetibilità delle complessioni, sull’unicità o pluralità delle forme nel composto umano e sulla costituzione dell’identità individuale.

Il sessismo nella lingua italiana : trent'anni dopo Alma Sabatini / a cura di Anna Lisa Somma e Gabriele Maestri . - Pavia : Blonk, 2020.

A 305.3014 SES

La lingua non è né neutra né neutrale, soprattutto dal punto di vista del genere. Può creare, accentuare o conservare discriminazioni che finora hanno colpito soprattutto le donne. Quel che è peggio, tutto questo è avvenuto nella sostanziale indifferenza di tanti e tante, che hanno continuato a parlare o a scrivere in un certo modo: l'hanno fatto per abitudine, per scarsa consapevolezza o seguendo la convinzione che i problemi da affrontare fossero ben altri. Occorre imparare a maneggiare con cura le parole, perché certe situazioni possano davvero cambiare. È importante farlo nella vita quotidiana come sui mezzi d'informazione, nel mondo della formazione come nelle attività delle istituzioni. A oltre trent'anni dalla fondamentale ricerca sul sessismo nella lingua italiana curata dalla linguista Alma Sabatini, voci e esperienze diverse danno conto di un cammino tutt'altro che concluso verso la reale parità dei generi e le pari opportunità: occorre uno sforzo collettivo sul piano linguistico, politico, sociale e culturale per una comunità davvero plurale e inclusiva.

Spoken here : travels among threatened languages / Mark Abley . - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2003.

A 306.44 ABL SPO

In Spoken Here, Mark Abley journeys around the world seeking out languages in peril -- Manx, Mohawk, Boro, Yiddish, and many more. Along the way he reveals delicious linguistic oddities and shows us what is lost when one of the world's six thousand tongues dies -- an irreplaceable worldview and a wealth of practical knowledge. He also examines the forces, from pop culture to creoles to global politics, that threaten to wipe out 90 percent of languages by this century's end. Abley encounters one of the last two speakers of an Australian language, whose tribal taboos forbid them to talk to each other. He spotlights those who believe that violence is the only way to save their tongue. He meets a Yiddish novelist who writes for an audience she knows doesn't exist. He pays tribute to such strange tongues as the Amazonian language last spoken by a parrot, the Caucasian language with no vowels, and the South Asian language whose innumerable verbs include gobray (to fall in a well unknowingly) and onsra (to love for the last time). Each of the languages Abley spotlights, from the familiar to the foreign, exemplifies the various threats that endanger languages worldwide. But many also prove their resilience, thanks to the efforts of their determined speakers and such unlikely tools as soap operas and pop music. Abley meets the crusaders as well as the uncaring, all of whom offer surprising insight into this centuries-old debate. Spoken Here is a singular travelogue, a compelling case for linguistic diversity, and a treasure trove for anyone who loves any language.

Communications and media

McQuail's media and mass communication theory / Denis McQuail, Mark Deuze . - 7th ed. - London : Sage, 2020.

A 302.2301 MCQ MCQ

Becoming digital : toward a post-internet society / Vincent Mosco . - Bingley : Emerald Publishing, 2017.

A 303.4833 MOS BEC

Becoming Digital examines the transition from the online world we have known to the Next Internet, which is emerging from the convergence of Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, and the Internet of Things. The Cloud stores and processes information in data centers; Big Data Analytics provide the tools to analyse and use it; and the Internet of Things connects sensor-equipped devices everywhere to communication networks that span the globe. These technologies make possible a post-Internet society filled with homes that think, machines that make decisions, drones that deliver packages or bombs, and robots that work for us, play with us, and take our jobs. The Next Internet promises a world where computers are everywhere, even inside our bodies, "coming alive" to make possible the unification of people and machines in what some call the Singularity. This timely book explores this potential as both a reality on the horizon and a myth that inspires a new religion of technology. It takes up the coming threats to a democratic, decentralized, and universal Internet and the potential to deepen the problems of commercial saturation, concentrated economic power, cyber-warfare, the erosion of privacy, and environmental degradation. On the other hand, it also shows how the Next Internet can help expand democracy, empowering people worldwide, providing for more of life's necessities, and advancing social equality. But none of this will happen without concerted political and policy action. Becoming Digital points the way forward.

Careers in media and communication / Stephanie A. Smith . - Los Angeles : SAGE, 2019.

A 302.23023 SMI CAR

Careers in Media and Communication is a practical resource that helps students understand how a communication degree prepares them for a range of fulfilling careers; it gives students the skills they will need to compete in a changing job market. Award-winning teacher and author Stephanie A. Smith draws from her years of professional experience to guide students through the trends and processes of identifying, finding, and securing a job in in mass communication. Throughout the book, students explore the daily lives of professionals currently working in the field, as well as gain firsthand insights into the training and experience that hiring managers seek.

The communication age : connecting & engaging / Autumn Edwards ... [et al.] . - London : Sage, 2020.

A 302.30285 COM

When should you send a text message, and when is it more appropriate to talk face-to-face? What is the best way to prepare for a job interview that will be conducted over video? How should you modify your speech if it will be recorded and posted online? The Communication Age: Connecting and Engaging by Autumn Edwards, Chad Edwards, Shawn T. Wahl, and Scott A. Myers introduces students to the foundational concepts and essential skills of effective communication, with a strong emphasis on the impact of technology in our increasingly interconnected world. This new Third Edition helps students become involved in our diverse global community and learn how to apply key principles of effective communication―whether incorporating media, technology, or traditional face-to-face speech communication―to foster civic engagement for a better future. With comprehensive coverage of the essentials of interpersonal, small group, and public communication, this text is ideal for use in hybrid introduction to communication courses.

Handbuch nicht standardisierte Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft / Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz, Michael Meyen . - Wiesbaden : Springer, 2016.

A 302.2072 HAN

Das Handbuch verfolgt zwei Ziele, einen State of the Art und einen Take Off für weitere Forschung zu bieten. Welche nicht standardisierten Methoden werden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft eingesetzt, wer arbeitet mit diesen Verfahren und wie unterscheiden sich dabei verschiedene Teildisziplinen des Faches? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, wird der Gegenstand aus drei verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet. Während in den Teilen zwei und drei des Handbuches konkrete Methoden sowie Forschungsfelder des Fachs und ihre methodischen Zugänge behandelt werden, liefert der erste Teil einen Überblick zur Theorie qualitativer oder nicht standardisierter Forschung sowie zu deren Genese im fachlichen Kontext der Kommunikationsforschung. Autorinnen und Autoren der Einzelbeiträge sind diejenigen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die im deutschsprachigen Raum mit den entsprechenden Verfahren arbeiten. Die Einzelkapitel sind daher sowohl forschungslogisch wie forschungspraktisch angelegt. Die angestrebte Vielfalt an Themen und Autoren führt zum zweiten Ziel: Das Handbuch soll Forschung anregen und das Bewusstsein für Qualitätsstandards stärken sowie zugleich dazu beitragen, nicht standardisierte Forschung tiefer in der akademischen Lehre des Fachs zu verankern.

Media analysis techniques / Arthur Asa Berger . - 6th ed. - London : Sage, 2019.

A 302.2301 BER MED

In the Sixth Edition of Media Analysis Techniques, author Arthur Asa Berger once again provides students with a clearly written, user-friendly, hands-on guide to media criticism. The book empowers readers to make their own analyses of the media rather than just accept how others interpret the media. Media Analysis Techniques begins by examining four techniques of media interpretation - semiotic theory, Marxist theory, psychoanalytic theory, and sociological theory - that Berger considers critical for creative people to acknowledge if they are to understand how their creations translate to the real world. Application chapters then link popular culture to these four theories. Written in an accessible style that demystifies complex concepts, Media Analysis Techniques includes a glossary, study guides, and the author′s own illustrations.

Media convergence : the three degrees of network, mass and interpersonal communication / Klaus Bruhn Jensen . - London : Routledge, 2010.

A 302.23 JEN MED

The development of digital media presents a unique opportunity to reconsider what communication is, and what individuals, groups, and societies might hope to accomplish through new as well as old media. At a time when digital media still provoke both utopian and dystopian views of their likely consequences, Klaus Bruhn Jensen places these ‘new’ media in a comparative perspective together with ‘old’ mass media and face-to-face communication, restating the two classic questions of media studies: what do media do to people, and what do people do with media? Media Convergence makes a distinction between three general types of media: the human body enabling communication in the flesh; the technically reproduced means of mass communication; and the digital technologies facilitating interaction one-to-one, one-to-many, as well as many-to-many.

Media management matters : challenges and opportunities for bridging theory and practice / edited by Ulrike Rohn and Tom Evens . - New York : Routledge, 2020.

A 302.23068 MED

This edited volume explores media management as engaged scholarship, building a bridge between theory and practice and discussing research collaboration between academia, policymakers and the media industry. In addition to advancing the scholarly discipline, it also questions, investigates and discusses the practical value of the research undertaken, showing how media management research can provide actionable, practice-relevant knowledge to decision makers throughout the media industry. The volume is broken into two parts: a section reflecting on the need for collaboration between research and practice, and a section overviewing specific projects that aim to deliver administrative value to stakeholders. The international research projects presented here span topics such as digital transformation, business models in news and digital journalism, media entrepreneurship and start-ups, ad-blocking, location-based services, audiovisual consumption preferences, the sustainability of small television markets, co-located and clustered industries and digital privacy. Incorporating under-used methodological approaches, such as action research and ethnography, Media Management Matters brings suggestions for how scholarship might be promoted outside academia. Simply put, this book aims to demonstrate why media management matters. Featuring an international roster of contributors, this collection is essential reading for scholars and practitioners of media management, business and policy.

Media/society : industries, images, and audiences / David Croteau, William Hoynes . - 6th ed. - Los Angeles : Sage, 2020.

A 302.23 CRO MED

Providing a framework for understanding the relationship between media and society, this updated Sixth Edition of Media/Society helps you develop the skills you need to critically evaluate both conventional wisdom and your own assumptions about the social role of the media. Authors David Croteau and William Hoynes retain the book’s basic sociological framework but now include additional discussions of new studies and up-to-date material on today’s rapidly changing media landscape. Now featuring streamlined content and a more engaging narrative, this edition offers expanded discussions of the "new media" world, including digitization, the internet, the spread of mobile media devices, the role of user-generated content, the potential social impact of new media on society, and new media’s effect on traditional media outlets.

Political science

Anti-system politics : the crisis of market liberalism in rich democracies / Jonathan Hopkin . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020.

A 320.513091821 HOP ANT

Recent elections in the advanced western democracies have undermined the basic foundations of political systems that had previously beaten back all challenges -- from both the left and the right. The election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency, only months after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, signaled a dramatic shift in the politics of the rich democracies. In Anti-System Politics, Jonathan Hopkin traces the evolution of this shift and argues that it is a long-term result of abandoning the post-war model of egalitarian capitalism in the 1970s. That shift entailed weakening the democratic process in favor of an opaque, technocratic form of governance that allows voters little opportunity to influence policy. With the financial crisis of the late 2000s these arrangements became unsustainable, as incumbent politicians were unable to provide solutions to economic hardship. Electorates demanded change, and it had to come from outside the system. Using a comparative approach, Hopkin explains why different kinds of anti-system politics emerge in different countries and how political and economic factors impact the degree of electoral instability that emerges. Finally, he discusses the implications of these changes, arguing that the only way for mainstream political forces to survive is for them to embrace a more activist role for government in protecting societies from economic turbulence. A historically-grounded analysis of arguably the most important global political phenomenon at present, Anti-System Politics illuminates how and why the world seems upside down.

Close to home : local ties and voting radical right in Europe / Jennifer Fitzgerald . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020.

A 324.2403 FIT CLO

Who votes for radical right parties and why? This book argues that the increasing popularity of the radical right in Europe originates in community bonds: strong ties to one's locality motivate support for the radical right. These parties use nostalgic themes and symbolic politicking to idealize community, defend local autonomy, and ultimately draw local identity into the electoral realm. While other explanations of the radical right's popularity typify supporters as victims of macro-economic shifts and strains, the author's account explores people's day-to-day experiences that link local connections to political decisions. The analysis also raises questions about the political implications of different formal authority structures such as the level and nature of power devolved to local units. The localist model of radical right support illuminates the psychological, social, and institutional conditions and processes that render people's feelings about their cities, towns, and villages relevant for politics.

Globalists : the end of empire and the birth of neoliberalism / Quinn Slobodian . - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2020.

A 320.513 SLO GLO

Neoliberals hate the state. Or do they? In the first intellectual history of neoliberal globalism, Quinn Slobodian follows a group of thinkers from the ashes of the Habsburg Empire to the creation of the World Trade Organization to show that neoliberalism emerged less to shrink government and abolish regulations than to redeploy them at a global level. Slobodian begins in Austria in the 1920s. Empires were dissolving and nationalism, socialism, and democratic self-determination threatened the stability of the global capitalist system. In response, Austrian intellectuals called for a new way of organizing the world. But they and their successors in academia and government, from such famous economists as Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises to influential but lesser-known figures such as Wilhelm Röpke and Michael Heilperin, did not propose a regime of laissez-faire. Rather they used states and global institutions—the League of Nations, the European Court of Justice, the World Trade Organization, and international investment law—to insulate the markets against sovereign states, political change, and turbulent democratic demands for greater equality and social justice. Far from discarding the regulatory state, neoliberals wanted to harness it to their grand project of protecting capitalism on a global scale. It was a project, Slobodian shows, that changed the world, but that was also undermined time and again by the inequality, relentless change, and social injustice that accompanied it.

Perspectives on populism and the media : avenues for research / Benjamin Krämer, Christina Holtz-Bacha . - Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlag, 2020.

A 320.5662 KRA PER

Der Band vereint ein breites Spektrum von Perspektiven auf das Thema Populismus und Medien. Er bringt verschiedene fachliche und theoretische Ansätze, Beitragende und Beispiele von mehreren Kontinenten und ein breites Spektrum aktueller Themen und Herausforderungen zusammen. Die Kapitel behandeln den Kontext populistischer Kommunikation, Kommunikation durch populistische Akteure, verschiedene Typen populistischer Botschaften (populistische Kommunikation in traditionellen und neuen Medien, populistische Medienkritik, populistische Diskurse zu verschiedenen Themen), Wirkungen und Konsequenzen populistischer Kommunikation, populistische Medienpolitik, aber auch antipopulistische Diskurse. Die Beiträge systematisieren vorhandene Forschung, schlagen neue Ansätze vor oder präsentieren neue Befunde zum Verhältnis von Populismus und Medien. Mit Beiträgen von Caroline Avila, Eleonora Benecchi, Florin Büchel, Donatella Campus, María Esperanza Casullo, Nicoleta Corbu, Ann Crigler, Benjamin De Cleen, Sven Engesser, Nicole Ernst, Frank Esser, Nayla Fawzi, Jana Goyvaerts, André Haller, Kristoffer Holt, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Marion Just, Philip Kitzberger, Magdalena Klingler, Benjamin Krämer, Katharina Lobinger, Philipp Müller, Elena Negrea-Busuioc, Carsten Reinemann, Christian Schemer, Anne Schulz, Christian Schwarzenegger, Torgeir Uberg Nærland, Rebecca Venema, Anna Wagner, Martin Wettstein, Werner Wirth, Dominique Stefanie Wirz.


Constitutional economics : a primer / Stefan Voigt . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020.


Constitutional political economy has emerged as an indispensable part of political economy. This book offers a concise survey of the questions, methods, and empirical findings central to this topic. What effects – if any – do constitutions have within autocracies? Can small electoral districts help reduce corruption? Does a country's leadership affect the size of its government? Can direct democratic institutions increase politicians' accountability to citizens? Stefan Voigt, a pioneer in the field, explores these questions and more throughout the course of this cutting-edge primer. As the number of courses in constitutional economics continues to grow, this book fills an important gap in the literature. This highly original project maintains curiosity about the questions it generates, identifying potential new areas of research whilst successfully demonstrating the impact constitutional rules have on political economy.

John Bates Clark : the making of a neoclassical economist / John F. Henry . - London : Palgrave, 2014.

A 330.157 HEN JOH

In this fresh study of the career and theoretical work of John Bates Clark, the first American economist to achieve international standing, Henry demonstrates that the usual interpretations of Clark are flawed, and that Clark set out to develop a theory of distribution that would support then current political authority and property relationships. Contrary to the normal view, it is shown that there is less of a difference between Clark's early 'Christian Socialist' writings and the writings of his mature period, and that perceptions and concerns formulated in his early career carry over into his more theoretically advanced stage. Also, Clark's religious perceptions are shown to have influenced not only his early thoughts, but those contained in the writings of the later period that brought him to the attention of economists in England and the Continent. Throughout this book, Henry demonstrates the relationship between Clark's theoretical work and the larger social forces then at work which both promoted and constrained his thinking and his economics.

Financial economics

Blockchain democracy : technology, law and the rule of the crowd / William Magnuson . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020.

A 332.4 MAG BLO

In Blockchain Democracy, William Magnuson provides a breathtaking tour of the world of blockchain and bitcoin, from their origins in the online scribblings of a shadowy figure named Satoshi Nakamoto, to their furious rise and dramatic crash in the 2010s, to their ignominious connections to the dark web and online crime. Magnuson argues that blockchain's popularity stands as a testament both to the depth of distrust of government today, and also to the fervent and undying belief that technology and the world of cyberspace can provide an answer. He demonstrates how blockchain's failings provide broader lessons about what happens when technology runs up against the stubborn realities of law, markets, and human nature. This book should be read by anyone interested in understanding how technology is changing our democracy, and how democracy is changing our technology.

Production economy

The economics of adaptation and long-term relationships / Dean Victor Williamson . - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2019.

A 338.6 WIL ECO

Do institutions matter in economic theory? Or is the economic analysis of institutions a distraction from the most important action? Indeed, does Vernon Smith’s notion of the “institution-free core” of formal economic theory encompass that most important action? To explore this question, this book opens with an informal tour of the economics of system design out of which an economics of adaptation ultimately emerged. The book then offers explorations, via the application of the economics of adaptation in both law and economics relating to how parties manage relationships within the firm, within the context of long-term contracts, and, most vividly, within the context of antitrust conspiracy.

Exclusionary practices : the economics of monopolisation and abuse of dominance / Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, Claudio Calcagno . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018.

A 338.82 FUM EXC

The most controversial area in competition policy is that of exclusionary practices, where actions are taken by dominant firms to deter competitors from challenging their market positions. Economists have been struggling to explain such conduct and to guide policy-makers in designing sensible enforcement rules. In this book, authors Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, and Claudio Calcagno explore predatory pricing, rebates, exclusive dealing, tying, and vertical foreclosure, through a blend of theory and practice. They develop a general framework which builds on and extends existing economic theories, drawing upon case law, discussions of cases and other practical considerations to identify workable criteria that can guide competition authorities to assess exclusionary practices. Along with analyses of policy implications and insights applied to case studies, the book provides practitioners with non-technical discussions of the issues at hand, while guiding economics students with dedicated technical sections with rigorous formal models


Manuale di diritto finanziario / Mauro Mini . - Seconda edizione aggiornata e ampliata. - Pregassona : Fontana Edizioni, 2020.

A 346.494082 MIN MAN

Il diritto in materia finanziaria è completamente mutato in breve tempo in ragione della crisi del 2008 e sotto l’incalzare di organizzazioni internazionali (in particolare, del GAFI e del Global Forum), ma anche per tener conto dell’evoluzione delle tecnologie in ambito finanziario (Fintech).

HATE : why we should resist it with free speech, not censorship / Nadine Strossen . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020.

A 342.730853 STR HAT

The updated paperback edition of HATE dispels misunderstandings plaguing our perennial debates about "hate speech vs. free speech," showing that the First Amendment approach promotes free speech and democracy, equality, and societal harmony. As "hate speech" has no generally accepted definition, we hear many incorrect assumptions that it is either absolutely unprotected or absolutely protected from censorship. Rather, U.S. law allows government to punish hateful or discriminatory speech in specific contexts when it directly causes imminent serious harm. Yet, government may not punish such speech solely because its message is disfavored, disturbing, or vaguely feared to possibly contribute to some future harm. "Hate speech" censorship proponents stress the potential harms such speech might further: discrimination, violence, and psychic injuries. However, there has been little analysis of whether censorship effectively counters the feared injuries. Citing evidence from many countries, this book shows that "hate speech" are at best ineffective and at worst counterproductive. Therefore, prominent social justice advocates worldwide maintain that the best way to resist hate and promote equality is not censorship, but rather, vigorous "counterspeech" and activism.

Internationales Arbeitsrecht der Schweiz / Thomas Rihm . - Zürich : Schulthess Verlag, 2020.

A 344.49401 INT

Rund ein Drittel der Arbeitnehmerschaft in der Schweiz sind Ausländer, und dies mit steigender Tendenz. Sie unterliegen in der einen oder anderen Form dem internationalen Arbeitsrecht der Schweiz. Während für europäische und angelsächsische Länder juristische Werke zu diesem Querschnittsthema bestehen, soll dieses Praktikerhandbuch eine für die Schweiz verortete Lücke füllen. Anhand eines Praxisbeispiels werden das anwendbare Arbeitsvertragsrecht, die für den Streitfall geltenden Gerichtsstände und die möglichen Schiedsgerichtsverfahren sowie die Vollstreckung angegangen. Weitere zentrale Themen sind die Entsendung, der Personalverleih, die globale Verwaltung von Personaldaten, Aktien- und Optionspläne von multinationalen Unternehmen, Sozialversicherungswerke sowie das Arbeitsrecht internationaler Organisationen in der Schweiz.Herausgeber:Dr. iur. Thomas Rihm, Rechtsanwalt.

Law for sale : a philosophical critique of regulatory competition / Johanna Stark . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019.

A 340.115 STA LAW

Common markets, open borders, air traffic, and the internet have made it faster and less expensive to change places and jurisdictions. As a result, legal forums are increasingly treated as a good that is subject to the market mechanism. Individuals and corporations increasingly have free reign to choose which legal rules to apply to their company, their contract, their marriage, or their insolvency proceedings. States in turn grant these opportunities and respond to demand by competing with other suppliers of legal regimes. 'Regulatory competition' describes a dynamic in which states as producers of legal rules compete for the favour of mobile consumers of their legal products. This book focuses on the philosophical underpinnings, problems, and consequences of such regulatory competition. It argues that there is a mismatch between regulatory competition as a policy approach and the beliefs and commitments that shape our thinking about law and the state. It concludes that 'law markets' are potentially at odds with both our conception of the functions of legal rules and of key political ideals and principles such as democracy, state autonomy, and political authority

The regulation of social media influencers / Catalina Goanta, Sofia Ranchordás . - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2020.

A 343.0994 REG

In today’s society, the power of someone’s reputation, or influence, has been turned into a job: that of being a social media influencer. This role comes with promises, such as aspirational work, but is rife with challenges, given the controversy that often surrounds influencers. This is the first book on the regulation of social media influencers, that brings together legal, economic and ethical angles to further unveil the implications of influencer marketing.


A research agenda for academic integrity / ed. by Tracey Bretag . - Cheltenham : Elgar, 2020.

A 378.195 RES

Within the field of higher education, academic integrity is a subject of intense debate. This highly topical book provides indepth analysis of emerging threats to academic integrity, and practical, evidence-based recommendations for creating cultures of integrity. It includes the latest research on contract cheating, and how to identify and respond to it. Internationally renowned scholars from a range of disciplines and countries provide expertise on existing and emerging threats to academic integrity and offer evidence-based advice to all higher education stakeholder.

Language and linguistics

Melchiorre Cesarotti : linguistica e antropologia nell'età del lumi / a cura di Carlo Enrico Roggia . - Roma : Carocci, 2020.

A 410.9033 MEL

Figura centrale per la cultura italiana del secondo Settecento, Melchiorre Cesarotti è un caso esemplare dell’efficacia delle reti sociali e intellettuali che attraversavano l’Europa dei Lumi. Nelle opere dedicate alle lingue e al linguaggio di questo philosophe radicato in quella che ormai era una prestigiosa periferia dell’Europa intellettuale (Padova, con la sua gloriosa Università), si riverberano tutti i temi cruciali che animavano la più avanzata riflessione coeva: dai rapporti fra linguaggio, pensiero e realtà ai fondamenti del mutamento linguistico e della ricerca etimologica, fino alla relazione tra linguaggio e mito nel quadro di una vera e propria antropologia dell’antico. Una ricchezza e profondità di pensiero a cui il contatto con la peculiare condizione storica e linguistica dell’Italia settecentesca fa assumere una curvatura originale e un rilievo autonomo nel panorama tanto italiano che europeo.

La verità sul linguaggio (per quel che ne so) / Michael C. Corballis . - Roma : Carocci, 2020.


Nel corso dei secoli, il linguaggio è stato spesso considerato come il dono di una qualche divinità o il prodotto di un fortuito e improvviso accidente della natura, una sorta di “big bang” verificatosi a un certo punto durante l’evoluzione della nostra specie. In questo libro Michael C. Corballis mette fortemente in discussione tali concezioni, sostenendo che l’origine e lo sviluppo del linguaggio umano sono riconducibili a lente e graduali modificazioni che hanno una lunga storia evolutiva.


The last lingua franca : english until the return of babel / Nicholas Ostler . - London : Penguin Books, 2010.

A 420.9 OST LAS

In this provocative and persuasive new book, Nicholas Ostler challenges our assumption that English will continue to dominate as the global lingua franca. Drawing on his encyclopaedic knowledge of world languages and their history, Ostler reveals that just as past great languages like Latin and Sanskrit have died out, so English will follow. The influence of English now is hard to exaggerate - it is the world's preferred medium for business, science and entertainment, and is claimed to be a basic educational tool like mathematics or computing. So is it here to stay? For the last four centuries, the dominant world power has been English-speaking, but the global balance of power is shifting. And in countries like Brazil, Russia and China, English plays no part in the national tradition. Although globalization has helped the rise of English, trade, migration, economic development and technological innovation are now changing the way we access and use language. Ostler shows how we are headed towards a much more multilingual and diverse future. And as English retreats, no single language will take its place. We can embrace this future but first we need to accept it: the last competitive advantage of native English-speakers will soon be consigned to history.


Accounting : business reporting for decision making / Jacqueline Birt ... [et. al] . - 7th ed. – New York : Wiley, 2019.

A 657 ACC

The seventh edition of Birt's Accounting textbook is designed for the core accounting unit in a business or commerce degree. Many students who plan to major in soft-side disciplines such as marketing or human resource management need a clear and accessible text that emphasises the relevance of accounting to business. The Accounting interactive e-text features a range of instructional media content designed to provide students with an engaging learning experience. This includes practitioner videos from Ernst & Young, animated work problems and questions with immediate feedback. Birt’s unique resource can also form the basis of a blended learning solution for lecturers.


Business-to-Business marketing / Ross Brennan, Louise Canning, Raymond McDowell . - 5th ed. - London : Sage, 2020.

A 658.804 BRE BUS

Brennan and Canning cover both the theory and practice of global business-to-business (b2b) marketing from a European perspective, illuminating the subject with a wide range of learning features and case studies.

Customer-supplier relationships in B2B : an interaction perspective on actors in business networks / Antonella La Rocca . - Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

A 658.804 LAR CUS

This book explores customer-supplier relationships in B2B markets focusing on interaction between parties. Drawing on three fields of research – studies of relationships in marketing, social interactionism in sociology, and sense-making in social psychology – the author explores the concepts and roles of actors in business relationships and how the behaviour of actors within an interaction affects the development of those relationships. Based on a review of prior research and an original empirical study, the author argues that the presence of continuous close relationships between the customer and supplier organisations bestows features of a business network on B2B markets, with distinct interdependencies and ubiquitous interactions. Exploring buyer-seller interactions, the author contends that actors’ mutually perceived identities – continuously emergent and relationship-specific – are the main factor in the development of business relationships and discusses the implications for management practice and research.

Social media and crisis communication / edited by Lucinda Austin and Yan Jin . - New York : Routledge, 2018.

A 658.4056 SOC

Social Media and Crisis Communication provides a unique and timely contribution to the field of crisis communication by addressing how social media are influencing the practice of crisis communication. The book, with a collection of chapters contributed by leading communication researchers, covers the current and emerging interplay of social media and crisis communication, recent theories and frameworks, overviews of dominant research streams, applications in specific crisis areas, and future directions. Both the theoretical and the practical are discussed, providing a volume that appeals to both academic-minded readers as well as professionals at the managerial, decision-making level. The audience includes public relations and corporate communication scholars, graduate students studying social media and crisis communication, researchers, crisis managers working in communication departments, and business leaders who make strategic business communication planning. No other volume has provided the overarching synthesis of information regarding the field of crisis communication and social media that this book contains. Incorporated in this volume is the recent Social-mediated Crisis Communication Model developed by the editors and their co-authors, which serves as a framework for crisis and issues management in a rapidly evolving media landscape.

Advertising and public relations

Paid attention : innovative advertising for a digital world / Faris Yakob . - London : KoganPage, 2015.

A 659.144 YAK PAI

Rapid changes in communication technologies shifted the media environment from one of scarcity to one characterized by abundance. Advertisers are paying more and more money to reach fewer and fewer people, as audiences consume endless streams of content across different platforms. When you can no longer buy enough attention for advertising to remain efficient -- how do brands respond? Spanning communication theory, neuroscience, creativity and innovation, media history, popular culture, branding, and emerging technologies, Paid Attention explores how ideas move people and how advertising can and should change in response to changes in the communication landscape. Packed with real-world examples of campaigns from companies including Sony, Red Bull and HP, the book also contains practical advertising and branding templates and toolkits. Topics covered include: a critical look at market research, modern theories of communication, the vanishing difference between content, media, and advertising, what ideas are and how to get them, and the future predictions.


Séroux D'Agincourt e la storia dell'arte intorno al 1800 / a cura di Daniela Mondini . - Roma : Campisano, 2019.

A 707.22 SER

"Far vedere" è l'atto fondamentale e costitutivo del progetto storiografico di Jean-Baptiste Séroux d'Agincourt (1730- 1814): la sua Histoire de l'Art par les monumens depuis sa décadence au IVe jusqu'à son renouvellement au XVIe siècle fu infatti corredata di un ricchissimo apparato di incisioni offrendo alla comunità scientifica un primo corpus illustrato del patrimonio artistico medievale. Il presente volume, frutto del Convegno internazionale per il Bicentenario della morte di Séroux d'Agincourt organizzato dalla Bibliotheca Hertziana - Istituto Max Planck per la storia dell'arte e dall'Accademia di Francia a Roma - Villa Medici, analizza l'apporto di Séroux d'Agincourt alla documentazione e storicizzazione dell'arte dei secoli della sotto diversi aspetti, dalla e riscoperta dei primitivi, al disegno e alla riproduzione grafica dell'opera d'arte come strumento di ricerca, al libro d'arte e il suo mercato nel contesto Europeo. Attraverso i vari interventi sono pertanto affrontati problemi centrali della storiografia dell'arte nei quattro decenni a cavallo del 1800, durante i quali, sullo sfondo degli importanti rivolgimenti politici e sociali, la storia dell'arte si trova in una fase di passaggio da una prassi prevalentemente amatoriale - e aristocratica - verso una professionalizzazione e istituzionalizzazione come disciplina accademica.


Storytelling : la máquina de fabricar historias y formatear las mentes / Christian Salmon. – Barcelona : Península, 2010.

A 808.543 SAL STO

Éléments de critique génétique : lire les manuscrits modernes / Almuth Grésillon . - Paris : CNRS éditions, 2016.

A 801.959 GRE ELE

La critique génétique est née dans les années 1970 en réaction au structuralisme et aux théories du texte. Elle place le manuscrit au centre de son approche. Loin d'être un support figé, cet espace d'inscription est aussi un lieu de mémoire : il porte la trace d'un processus qu'il est possible de reconstruire. Comprendre comment un projet, un désir d'écrire se transforment en texte: telle est l'ambition de cet ouvrage d'Almuth Grésillon. Brouillons, notes, documentations diverses, plans jouent ici un rôle essentiel, comme l'illustrent avec force les manuscrits de Flaubert, Heine, Roussel, Bataille. Restituant patiemment le processus de création, la génétique des textes constitue à la fois une esthétique de la production et une histoire des pratiques littéraires.

Words that work : it's not what you say, it's what people hear / Frank Luntz . - New York : Hachette, 2015.

A 808.042 LUN WOR

In Words That Work, Luntz offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the tactical use of words and phrases affects what we buy, who we vote for, and even what we believe in. With chapters like "The Ten Rules of Successful Communication" and "The 21 Words and Phrases for the 21st Century," he examines how choosing the right words is essential. Nobody is in a better position to explain than Frank Luntz: He has used his knowledge of words to help more than two dozen Fortune 500 companies grow. Hell tell us why Rupert Murdoch's six-billion-dollar decision to buy DirectTV was smart because satellite was more cutting edge than "digital cable," and why pharmaceutical companies transitioned their message from "treatment" to "prevention" and "wellness." If you ever wanted to learn how to talk your way out of a traffic ticket or talk your way into a raise, this book's for you.

Geography and history

La porta del sapere : cultura alla corte di Federico 2. di Svevia / Fulvio Delle Donne . - Roma : Carocci, 2019.

A 943.025 DEL POR

Federico II di Svevia (1194-1250) fu l'ultimo a dare un senso universale al titolo di imperatore. Per circa un trentennio fu il signore più potente d'Europa, rivelando in ogni gesto piena consapevolezza del proprio ruolo: consapevolezza che acquisì in maniera graduale e sempre più netta mentre divampava il fuoco del violentissimo scontro con il papato. È qui la radice primigenia che lo portò a farsi fautore di uno straordinario rinnovamento ideologico, del quale furono artefici i letterati e i funzionari che lo circondarono. La sua corte divenne così polo attrattivo di tradizioni culturali multiformi e centro propulsore di innovazioni letterarie e scientifiche destinate a esercitare decisiva influenza per i secoli a venire. Nel libro si indagano compiutamente i caratteri e l'elaborazione di una dirompente concezione culturale. Per la prima volta nella storia, la conoscenza derivata dallo studio approfondito fu rappresentata come una scalinata che conduce al sapere, unica porta di accesso alla nobiltà: sia quella spirituale delle virtù sia quella più concreta delle professioni funzionali all'amministrazione dello Stato.

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